friendly osw clan

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by hero_sapphire, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. I will be opening this clan later on tonight it will be supremely for osw we will have friendly competions between clans post below if interested.

    Note: yes will run ebs every now and then but we mainly war
  2. What happened to your hte clan?
  3. "Friendly" "osw" wut?
  4. Name it OSW-WeSuck-OSW
  5. "Friendly OSW" === "Tickle friends with feathers"
  6. gave it to a noob who dibanded it
  7. So people will be like, "Oh, they suck and we can get gold easy. Lets war!"

    Then you can open up a can of no ass whoop ravioli.
  8. "Gave it to a noob who disbanded it"...hahahahaha
  9. Tip

    Don't give your clans to noobs who disband them
  10. Wouldn't that then make you the Noob by handing it over to someone who disbanded it?
  11. It would unicorn.. It would.
  12. I give this clan a week,prove me wrong?
  13. Wrong

    It lasted a few hours

    Maybe not even that?

    OP gave it to someone who disbanded lol
  14. I've seen clans with terrible threads and really bad rules etc do well. It's always nice to see people turn mistakes around.
  15. Noobs, like sapphire do his work.
  16. Statless hawk is statless.
  17. The whole concept just doesn't make sense.