Basically, when participating in this game, you always end up have a number of group of people you talk to in the game and follow and gradually after time it gets quite big. I was just wondering how feasible could it be to have lists or groups for each person. I.e List: - of regular player friends, -clan mates in a list, -certain clan friends But obviously limiting how many there can be within a list or even limiting the amount of lists that can be created. Idea would be is within the friend column to have a drop down box or to minimise or expand the list of choice. I know this can be a complicated thing to put across but to show the social side of the game, might be a good idea to at least attempt to introduce it.
Tbh even if they added a close friends feature it would be useful. Also on pc it's really annoying to find who messaged you if you have lots of contracts. Support