Freedom of Speech?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Keepo, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Hi everyone,

    It's been a lot on international news lately - the horrific shootings in Paris that took place in and around the Charlie Hebdo headquarters, killing 12 people and seriously injuring a number of others.
    Since then, the internet has been swamped with the slogan "Je suis Charlie", which aims to fight for freedom of speech.
    This "freedom of speech" has provoked the new front cover of the Charlie Hebdo magazine to feature the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) holding up a "Je suis Charlie" sign. Let me tell you that in Islamic tradition, depicting the Prophet is generally deemed inappropriate, and often offensive, as it is generally avoided to prevent the possibility of Muslims beginning to worship the Prophet, rather than God.
    Is Charlie Hebdo trying to provoke another attack? If not, it seems incredibly foolish to post such a controversial/border-line offensive front page. Sure, it's not derogatory against the Prophet, but the fact that it depicts him, is offensive enough in its own way.
    It seems like the magazine are trying to get themselves killed - terrorist groups and extremists are likely planning some "revenge", or whatever those mad so-called "Islamic" terrorists would deem it as.

    I would like to close this thread with a cartoon that I found on the internet. I'm not entirely sure on the original illustrator, but it's something to think about.

    If this thread is locked, I will assume that it's a violation of my human rights and freedom of speech.
    Je suis Charlie, right?
  2. They shouldn't have to live in fear, because of the fact that they draw a camel lord.

    Hell. Makes me want to draw me a short, bearded dwarf too. And his retarded rainbow pony.
  3. Freedom of speech means you can say whatever you want, whenever you want.

    But God help us all of you draw Allah, or say something bad about Muslims. I believe there is a section in the constitution that excludes badmouthing Muslims.
  4. There's no such thing as freedom of speech. As long as you say something about anyone and someone takes offence, it is no longer freedom of speech. Even on here it's against TOU to talk about certain subjects in public areas, as is it against TOU to swear. So it's best to just keep certain thoughts and ideas to yourself unless your part of the Government or one of its agencies.
  5. OP, Charlie Hebdo did not just print pictures depicting and making fun of Muslims, they did it to every religion and ethic group.
    Since you openly picked on Jews, look at the media and see how badly Israel is depicted for defending itself.
  6. Saying that the are asking to be killed by publishing this picture is the same as a woman in tight clothes and short skirt needs to be raped. Hey she asked for it! Give me a break
  7. What he is saying is that they should have learned their lesson the first time. They should not do anymore Muslim depictions. Because they get killed if they do.

    What a load of crap.
  8. Thread should be locked because you posted pictures that you do not own, and are copyrighted. That is an infringement on the rights of the artist you thieved the artwork from.

    As to your free speech, you can say anything you want except that which advocates violence to another person.

    That free speech does not apply to ATA's forums however. Your pictures are demeaning to the Jews.
  9. they arent, actually.

    I for one have no choice but to respect the brave Muslims who fought for their beliefs with as much ferocity as Americans, Christians, and hell, pretty much any country or religion or group which aren't pansy vegan hippies. they stood up for their God and met violence with violence, and I feel that they won in that event. this is not an attack on freedom of speech, this is an attack on a specific group of people, who in turn defended their beliefs. Charlie had it coming.
  10. Those people deserved to die.

    Am I right? Anybody?

    [insert intense sarcasm]
  11. People still believe in freedom of speech?
  12. so since muslims are targeting just about everyone who isnt willing to convert, i have the right as a christian to walk into any muslims home and put a bullet in each and every one of them who do not convert to christianity?
  13. Actually, Freedom of speech doesn't apply in this game. You made this account, and agreed to the ToU of this game. Unless a law is broken, devs control everything.
  14. This is why US states have open carry laws. To protect citizens from these people.
  15. Except California, and probably New York. They are such liberal states, you'd be screwed if you were confronted with a gun. That's why I don't believe in gun restrictions, because a terrorist isn't gonna follow a law. So you'll be defenseless if confronted.
  16. I wasn't picking on Jews.
    I was raising a point that needs to be questioned - the "fear" of speaking out against Jews in public, despite the apparent "freedom of speech" that "Je suis Charlie" advocates.

    And coming back to your point about "picking on Jews", surely you're the one stereotyping here? You instantly jumped to a point about Israel. Israel is not entirely composed of Jews. In fact, around 25% percent of its population is made up of Arabs and other ethnic minority.

    I'd also implore you to read into the facts, not just the surface that the media provides. Maybe you could simply look at the numbers of Gaza civilian deaths that have been caused by Israel?
  17. How are they demeaning?
    Tell me, please.
    Or are you simply scared to admit that "freedom of speech" against the Jews as either a religion or race, is feared by the world?
  18. "Borderline offensive"

    They ARE offensive. And that's the point

  19. Use a dictionary. You're on the internet.