Dear Op, SHUT THE HECK UP! Crystals are like gems or coins that are hard to get in other games.... either earn them or go buy them.... oh and by the way, FARM OP!! thank you and have a nice day.
Let me just talk some sense into why this is a bad idea. ATA(the company that owns KaW) makes money from KaW solely from Nobs and Crystals. Giving away free crystals would basically remove up to 50%(if not more) of their profit from KaW, considering how commonly crystals are bought and used(in wars, high-tiered EBs and such). To OP: If you want some free crystals, try questing. Although the chances of getting a free crystal every time you quest, it is better than nothing. I hope you understand why giving out free crystal would basically ruin ATA's business.
*Sigh* Obviously OP is trolling guys. No sane human being at this point believes that free Xtals are good. Don't get all angry-like.
I thought Kirito said the "F" word without it being censored. My heart nearly stopped... OP - do quests for free xtals.
I don't think xstals should be given out every day but once in a while would be nice. One of the bigest f2p games gives out their free currency far more often then kaw does and makes far more money as well. If kaw would give a xstals every day during the week of Easter and then maybe one free horn/seal. I really don't think that would be giving away to much free items and could possibly influence people to end up buying even more.