free xtals

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by kill903, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. how can this happen?? random xtals with out doing quest or buying them just doing eb. is this happening to someone else?
  2. Thats impossible.
  3. Enjoy your free hand outs.
  4. I know this magic trick! It's how you get thousands of crystals!
    Step1• Put your credit card on you device.
    Step2• Click purchase health crystals.
    Step3• ????
    Step4• Profit!
  5. I get xstals by askin my wife if its ok. Then BAM....i got xstals xD
  6. You can only get xtals from quest and when KaW hands them out without buying them :roll: :p
  7. @NWOSS/the person who posted 'first' ,

    I think you would enjoy your 24-hour band or something.. :roll:
  8. No band can possibly play for 24 hours straight.
  9. Ban* Sorry. :cry.
  10. I'm growing Xtals in my kitchen.

  11. Im rollin in dat xtal farm :D lol
  12. If i had a glitch like that i would not say a word
  13. If one was to have an extremely generous wife, then there's a possibility of getting "free" Xstals 