Free Xtals!! Estoc Wars READ

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Neonnq, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. So Devs told me they need to see support!!! If you like these ideas then please say so and I always except constructive criticism! :D

    Idea 1 ~ Raise the xtal limt to 3 but have 2 free xtals per person for use during the war only! (Further explained below)

    I think you should give out 1 or 2 free regens per war (essentially xtals that can only be used during war use it or lose it kind of thing). If you do 2 free regens then lower xtal usage to 1 so a single person could have a max of 3 full regens during the wars! (visa versa if you do 1 free regen then 2 xtal max) This wouldn't lower xtal purchase much if at all, (so you don't have to worry about your bottom line) i think it would increase xtal sales in fact more people experence the fun of xtaling during the war everyone will want to get that 3rd regen so they'll be forced to by xtals! Yep it's an addiction people!! This would also make wars more profitable (also more to lose when you get KO'd) so even more people will want to participate.

    This would also solve a slight issue with getting pin times for those who don't use xtals. the full regen will throw a camper off.

    Idea 2 ~ We choose when we come out of pin minimum of 10 mins max of 25 mins KO'd!! Stops camping and gets us in the war quicker if clan needs help! (further explaining below)

    So to fix the pin timing/camping issue I think to get out of pin a player should wait a minimum of 10 mins and max of 25 mins. This allows you to choose to get out of pin when you want to (by doing an action aginst an opponent). This allows you to wait longer if you want more troops or get in it quick to pin someone that a teammate needs help with! Also prevents camping... (Note: Others came up with this i'm just posting support)

    Mods when this thread goes inactive merge with Estoc Edge feedback thread TYVM! :)
    ~ :D
  2. Support sounds awesome!:)
  3. yes the Devs told you...sure...
  4. Not a bad idea, but I don't see it happening
  5. Well written and both ideas would add a interesting twist to wars. I personally love the idea of 1 or 2 war only xtals because it puts those of us that haven't yet spent money on xtals at less of a disadvantage and makes war less real $$$ expensive also while still giving paying customers an advantage Support

  6. I'd rather those free xtals come off the bl. It would be like a drop but only to be used in EE. Not much point in going through the trouble of alt farming but it is inventive to bl.
  7. support
  8. Support :)
  9. Support on one, no on 2 because it takes away the advantage of good clan coordination
  10. I support both ideas
  11. 1 support
    2 no support
  12. Support but I wouldn't know how to do idea #2 I think only #1 will pass.
  13. Good thread! 