free spins

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by iron-bru, Oct 28, 2013.

  1. I have noticed that some games have daily free spins or lottery where u can also pay to play dropping equipment, miths, health regains even noblity points for high win or aqua/inferno, pots, money such and such for small wins could kaw_admin have a think about this
  2. Could do it as a daily with the ability to buy extra spins with real time cash.
  3. Yip but they should make a chance to get on free land but to change the prizes every. 24Hrs
  4. I doubt kaw will go for free land spin unless its like a one time deal. But more likely they will go for a half price land.
    Its a good way for kaw to make money.
    No war people will pay for it if it means getting mith easier. War people will pay money if mith spells are a prize because they won't have to waste mith at the start of a war.
  5. Yes but to make it hard they could put 30.different pots in one spin making it harder to get the top prizes or maybe pot package s of 500 or less it gives ppl asentive to play every day and make its more fun
  6. Hmm, I'm not sure about what you can "win". Because some people may get more lucky as others, that may give the other person(s) a advantage over the rest.

    If you extend your idea with more detail. It will sound like a decent idea.
  7. Yes I see ur point but as this is a daily free spin plus pay to play everyone should get a far chance but would like to here some of ur ideas
  8. It would help noobs
  9. It could be good if they had a button in people's kingdom witch takes one token to access this button turning all low land into a scratch card giving you a pick of any land and reveal's one of a number of rewards witch they could change the reward frequently
  10. Changing prizes daily would mean a lot of work for kaw and possibly slow the game speed down. A set list of prizes with a pre set percentage for winning on each prize.
    Yes some people could get more lucky.
    If they put high end pots with like 50 pots in the prize
  11. then that would be ok but i won't spend money just to have a high chance of getting a 2k pot.
  12. I think its a good idea but it would take kaw ages to get the idea running. Not to mention that kaw will need to weigh the money making side of it with the probable cost of getting a free daily prize 'wheel'up and running.
    Would be nice to see another way to get xtals which a lot if kaw are asking for.
    Also a good way to get nobility, mith . . .
  13. Yes but I wouldnt think turning all low lands in to hidden prizes as we will only be able to pick one box per token but should only get to use a token twice a day but to solve the problem of changing them abouts why not they move all the time and stop as soon as we pick one land
  14. This way it stops kaw from spending to much time on this and won't lagg. As its only a breaf minute or so as soon as we pick a box thats it over and done with till the next token or 24hrs