Free seal contest !

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Cub, Dec 26, 2015.

  1. Hello. Some of you may know me as cub or my current name . Call me either or .

    I am running a contest to see who can correctly guess the number that I am thinking .

    The # is between 1-15000

    To clear things . I will drop this seal at a clan of your choice and you get full pots max xtals and once it is dropped, I have no say in what happens . I will leave the clan and you will never see me again :) I would provide an ss but if you do not believe me, simply do not take a guess :) 3 guesses per 12 hours and yes I will be checking .

    Contest ends in at 12:00am est on Monday

    First clue! The # is between 3000-13000 !
    Second clue! The # is between 6500-12000 !
    Third clue! The # is between 8000-10000 !
    Final clue! The # is between 9500-9900

  2. No support
  3. 14999 (im rounding up to the closest 14999) i win :D
  4. Re: Free seal contest

    777 434 and 312
  5. You didn't even specify it has to be a whole number.

    It could be 15.8373729373728 for all we know.

    No support.
  6. I wish thinking the same thing
  7. 14888 1488 148
  8. 333 13337 5645
  9. The # is a whole number
  10. 1837,353,10567
  12. My guesses are:
    12, 25, 2015
  13. 8069


  14. 361 3629 18
  15. 4242, 6969, 420