free clan give away

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Miss_KK_777, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. The J.K.Crew Warrior's us now lookin for an owner to take over this is a free deal if u want it post on this or contact : Lady-KK

    Owner needs to stong :leaat states 90,000 loyal to J.K.Crew Warrior's
    3.atcepts even the smallest players of need of help or to grow
    4.all ways helps in EB (epic battle)
  2. It's over 9(0),000!
  3. WOW 90,000!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!
  4. ... Give it to spragga
  5. In states u have to be 90,000
  6. Spragga is 6 million cb
  7. In states u have to be 90,000
  8. U have to be in states 90,000
  9. In states u have to be 90,000
  10. 90,000?But why so low?
  11. haha KK the same noob from earlier. it's funny how noobs will come to the forums, get trolled and laughed at but for some reason come back for more
  12. You can't fix stupid
  13. Op just opened a huge can of BAN on his new thread lmao
  14. Free clan? Lol
  15. Oh there I am!....... ^^^^

    .....Over a month ago 