FREE ALLY MARKET GARBAGE This free ally market crap is annoying. Every wall has it nowadays especially the "unless woc cast". It's just so pointless, I mean why can't the ally market be closed? Why can't a single person just stop everyone else from hiring their allies. I mean, if I have a friend I want to keep... Why isn't there a button to stop others from hiring them ever? It's annoying and this must be stopped. #oppressedallymarket Let's go.
That's stupid, everyone would just press that button and there will be no allies for anyone to buy as they grow
^nah I think the market's growth would skyrocket exponentially. Please take a look at these graphs, I have prepared... Shows the current growth done through extensive research among input from several other notable KaW sources... We'll call this market a And this is the gradual growth to be had with the new button implementation, market b... Thanks for reading
:smile: Free Ally Market is good, also as for the 'unless woc cast' do you think we wanna go into war and get our allies hired 1 min before match lock and have however much out? No.
^I agree that's why a lock allies mechanism needs to be implemented. NO ONE LIKES THEIR ALLIES BEING HIRED A MIN BEFORE WAR. You are so right, man.
But most of the ally hoarders wouldn't sell ever and also underpriced allies would be underpriced even more when they grow with the lock.
^Nah, to make gold ally hoarders have to open up. They'll probs sell their crappier allies but eventually those crappy allies will be heavy price-wise therefore will get most profit. The lock would only increase the price of non-lock allies. It'd work wonders. #Locktheallymarket
If The game mechs allow an action to be available, then that's all there is to it. No individual player or players have any say or power against that. Whatever the sandbox allows. It's your kaw. Not some idiots banners kaw
The ally market looks more like a slave market. The ally has nothing to say about it. Imagine a system which allows the ally to accept the offer or refuse it. To prevent abuse you would need to limit to time of the alliance. Also a period that players can't renew the alliance. It would also need to reward the ally more than it does now. The maximum of one million is ridiculous. Thinking bout ally bonus for stats and plunder that goes both ways. A hostile takeover should also be possible. Let's say for double hire prices and no bonuses for hiring the ally for a certain period. The takeover would require a period to return the peace in which the forced alliance can be broken. Happy kawing
I LOVE it when noobs say "MY ALLIES" Nobody "owns" allies. They are merely "rented". LB trips me out with that nonsense.
While you're at it, I'd like a permission button installed asking if we approve to be hired. Nobody likes a dull owner. Just click NO