forums finally fixed!! (thanks devs)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by -Gettindrunk-, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Forum Before - [​IMG]

    Finally after years of rallying for support and getting madly frustrated with having to use a pc to search the forums, it's here..... the hallowed "search" facility!

    I'd also like to thank the devs for sorting out the horrific (return to current page problem) active topic issue, whereby after you look at a topic you are returned to a page full of posts from months ago. That was really ruining my forum experience and I would rarely read anything because of it.

    Forums Now - [​IMG]

    I'm glad that the devs are still working on improving KAW and keeping the game updated.

    Devs, ...I promise to give up spamming the feedback button now to get results! Poor support must hate me! :lol:
  2. Dam my gifs didn't work!
  3. Wow you have a seriously short attention span!?
  4. That or you need to work on your presentation.
  5. Before

  6. yes i like this new forum

  7. Yeah I like the new forums
  8. I still have my phone on low brightness and hold it close to my face...