List Of Reasons I Like Forums THIS THREAD IS ENDORSED BY -NARWHAL HIMSELF! He claims that it's BEST OF MATERIAL!!! 1. They R cool 2. I like people 3. I like KaW 4. Social things are fun 5. I forget how to do BBCode lists 6. I think people are important 7. My friends are fun 8. Harambe 9. also harambe 10. I don't have a life 11. It's always fun to see how stupid people are 12. I'm stupid 13. On no unlucky number 14. This is a multiple of seven 15. This reason doesn't exist 16. Did I mention harambe? 17. It's very important for everyone to have a voice 18. No step on snek 19. Noodles are fun 20. It's really hard to think of these 21. Noodles are fun 22. What am I doing with my life 23. Your mom 24. I like forums 25. I miss zeth 26. Rikki is still around so that's cool 27. I like music 28. What's your favorite song? 29. Harambe 30. I hate people 31. This is a good number 32. People are my favorite thing 33. I have no friends 34. Is it weird to have a girlfriend that will be illegal in less than two years? 35. I don't have a girlfriend 36. Why would anyone date me 37. Nothing can stop me, I'm all the way up 38. I like cats 39. I think forums are pretty interesting 40. Very informative too 41. Check out my rewards thread, it's very informative 42. Jackie Robinson 43. Not Jackie Robinson 44. Yay for Deutschland 45. Yay are American supremacy 46. I'm a libertarian 47. Minarchist really 48. If you don't know what that is you shouldn't be arguing politics 49. 7^2 50. 2*5^2 51. Math 52. Deck of cards 53. I don't know what this thread is about. 54. It went from reasons I like forums to things I like 55. 11*5 56. And random numbers 57. I like potstickers 58. America has been screwed for a long time, people just finally woke up for this election 59. I'm not speaking seriously if it's not politics, volleyball, music, or metaphysics. 60. I hate myself 61. I have a meme account 62. Harambe 63. Small accounts are cool if they aren't annoying 64. 8^2 65. Guess what's coming soon 66. You know what it is 67. In two numbers 68. You know what it is 69. BLACKANDYELLOW 70. Sorry I had to 71. I'm not going to 100 screw that 72. Done 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. I lied 100. Harambe
69/10 best forum ever 42/10 ign "2 good 4 all the scrubs" 69/5 4chan votes "best forum in the internet"
Lol forums are cool because it's fun watching people arguing and having emotional breakdowns, okay so you can do that in wc but if you like to be the one causing such drama, 5 speakers are nowhere near enough