Forum Time Zone

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by xXsHaNeThEcReEpXx, May 6, 2016.

  1. So I don't know if this is a problem due to my phone or due to some forum glitch, but instead of showing EST like it usually does, it seems to be showing in CST. Would love to know if other notice this, I mean it isn't much of a giant deal or anything. Just wondering about it.
  2. It shows in your current time zone.
  3. Alright, good to know that Virginia is no longer considered eastern time smh
  4. Then how come its in my time zone and I'm not CST or EST? Plus I have friends who have different forum times ;)
  5. It happens when going between cell service and wifi.. It's always been a thing, and the time zone it's shown in is PST/PDT..

    Which is the Devs time zone..


  6. Its showing mine in CST/CDT,and I don't have wifi and haven't connected to it since around Easter, so that isn't it either.