forum threads

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KAWmandNkonKAW, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. I was wondering if anyone else would find it useful to have a search facility within the forums and also an ability to be able to bookmark any given page/pages for quicker access to said pages at a later date. My reason for suggesting this is due to the constant addition of threads within forums and the resulting change that this has on the place of any thread posted making it sometimes difficult to re-read a particular post due to being unable to find it. Feedback would be appreciated; trolls get back under your bridge!
  2. It's possible from a PC to search, and the search function is quite well developed.

    As for bookmarking, every new thread creates a new web address. You can copy the link and access it from anywhere, albeit, not from your forum account.

    And finally, ATA did not create it's forums, thus, ATA has extremely little control over the changes they can make to forums.
  3. You can bookmark a topic on the PC. It appears below the "who is online" section and you manage them in the User Control Panel.
  4. OK thanks for the heads up dInt know about the PC being different as cba linking to laptop as booting up every time for unload would be a ball ache an a half