Forum banned

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ProtonPower, May 21, 2012.

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  1. Balls

  2. Re: Balls

  3. Re: Balls

    Go back in ur cage noob back
  4. Hey DEVS! I have a olaue that needs banning. Please see that he is bounced out of here. He's engaging in his own private spam storm. Thanks!
  5. Classic moose
  6. For the official record, the op is making threads faster than I can merge them. He have made over 10 so far so I ak going to access my advanced controls to purge all his crap in one shot. You may email me if you wish to discuss Ty case further
  7. Lol go moose
  8. Get jumi one, so you can pc off ur iphone
  9. Keep doing what you do best moose
  10. You:
    Piss taker
    **** head
    **** head
    Fanny brain
    :D have a nice day
  11. BALLS

  12. Fanny brain???

    LMFAO. 

  13. Me gusta...

  14. I just pulled down a crap ton of "balls" threads. I'll monitor forum until you nuke his account. Thanks again!
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