formal apology to final massacare

Discussion in 'Wars' started by superstoney, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Final massacre: do to some recent activity from cardboard castle; you have our apology. You guys fought well and deserve respect, may your clan continue to grow and prosper. Happy Kawing
  2. -Sighs- Really OP?
  3. I see all is well except for the part that didnt say they won due to fightting. It's more like "we are falling apart and wont fight back".
  4. um, thats an interesting comment, from someone who wasn't in the osw.
  5. It is indeed. This was put on a public forum, and the forum was build for people to hold discussions. Im merely adding my opinion to the open topic.
  6. happy to see you exercising that right. just curious where your rather specific opinion originated. seeing as how you couldn't possibly know
  7. In the sentence "due to some recent activity in Cardboard Castle" makes it seem so. Of course I dont know what happened. Also on the side, I dont care all that much. Im a blunt and honest person
  8. Um Did I Miss Something?
  9. Nothing Paint Boy.
  10. What's with the cardboard castles?
  11. @Insane, when it rains, cardboard castles collapse.
    Must be raining where OP is.
  12. Relax all. This was just a small osw that taken place. I'm not sure on the details of which started this, but I do know cardboard castle members did atleast attempt to fight, rather than many other clans nowadays. Honestly, they were not the toughest of warriors, but I respect them fighting and I did admire their teamwork
    Respect to cardboard castle, and nice win to my friends at final massacre.
  13. Shut up Paintboy. Get a real life and but out
  14. ๎๎€the big words make the apology sound sincere, but here's what i gathered:

    "hey ______, we dont having your feet shoved so far up our asses that we need 3-legged races to the hospital. we will attempt to appeal to your kinder nature, and we wish you luck in widening the gap between our stat-sizes.


  15. Why Do You People Stalk My
    Forum Post?
    Don't You People Have
  16. ๎€i have all 3๎