formal apology to final massacare

Discussion in 'Wars' started by superstoney, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. Final massacre: do to some recent activity from cardboard castle; you have our apology. You guys fought well and deserve respect, may your clan continue to grow and prosper. Happy Kawing
  2. It was a fun fight, respect to you. I was pretty nice seeing you in my news. I liked some tactics I seen from your guys, you worked well in a group.
  3. Thanks unicorn much respect to you guys too
  4. I think the apology was very respectable.
  5. Respect happy kawing
  6. Thanks guys much respect
  7. Cf accepted n I also formally apologize on behalf of final massacre n the innocent members we hit in The Swornswords n any discredit to Cardboard Castle as well