for the devs only

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lasmain, Jan 8, 2014.

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  1. Here's a small suggestion after the endless number of threads about the big/small roster stacking issue.

    It's been an issue for quite some time now, and we haven't heard a single word from the devs yet. I know a lot of us want to know if it gets fixed before s3.

    So my idea is to just bump this thread over and over until we get some info. They should at least just let us all know if they're even aware of the issue or not, 'cause to me it seems as they aren't.

    Hope u guys support my idea, despite the fact that it is kinda lame ;)

    Happy kawing to u all
  2. And please no replies and opinions. Only bump
  3. (Opinion)
  4. LOL! If you aren't joking, you're going to get your feelings hurt. Have you noticed people are rather opinionated, around here? They'll post opinions simply because you don't want them to. You might even get opinions that are entirely unrelated to your topic just to mess with you. But... the good news MIGHT be that this thread does get bumped for a while. So, you'll get half of what you want...maybe. =)
  5. Bumping is considered spam eagle clearly specifies that on wulfs PvE thread so you can go ahead and get forum banned... Doesn't matter to me
  6. Also emailing a description of the problem to the devs will clearly get it to their attention faster
  7. Was hoping we could just bump only, till we get some answers.. surely it was optimistic, I was just kind of hoping we could all stand up together, as 1 ;) but probably too many forum trolls around to not post opinions when I ask people not to ;)

    Emailing devs won't help. The point is to make them come out and tell ALL of us a detailed description on what's happening.
  8. Well I support this idea but I was just warning that if you continue to "bump" you will probably get forum banned. I was also just putting ideas out to get the dev noticing the problem
  9. Didn't know that rule. But I suppose it's not considered as breaking any rules if different players keep bumping. And that's basically what I asked for
  10. I understand your desire. It might get bumped just without being bumped, is all. There are new threads daily, calling on or calling out the devs, though, and you never see posts on those threads by them. I don't know how much that encourages them to address us. Personally, if I were a dev, I would be obstinate if I saw these threads. But I do agree, even a post that says "we know. we're on it." would be a good thing. The worst response to conflict is to say or do nothing. That isn't to say they ARE doing nothing. But people would like some kind of assurance.
  11. The devs are working on banners, the season 3 thread will come before a few weeks before and then everyone can cry and wail.
  12. Devs won't even look at dis
  13. Locking this thread as it is encouraging spamming and post farming.

    The forums are an arena for discussion, I'd recommend either emailing or creating an alternative thread to encourage discussion.

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