Food Talk [D]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devouring, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    It's D time, with Devouring...

    Question: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healthy food?

    What Devouring thinks:
    "Yes it should be taxed. I think that taxing unhealthy food is a good idea. I think this because it will make it a lot easier for poor people to buy healthy food. This is a good thing because at first poor people would buy junk food impose to healthy food because it was cheaper, but if the government taxes unhealthy foods, it will make healthy food cheaper and they will buy that instead. Also it will most likely help them live longer. Another reason why they should tax junk food is because it will help America save billions on health care cost. Reason why is because people will be healthier and they won't need as much health care."

    Remember: One in Five American Deaths Now Associated with Obesity.

    So what do you think, Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healthy food?
  2. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt


    Good answers on why people agree:
  3. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt


    Good answers on why people disagree:
  4. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

  5. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    I stopped reading after this. How is taxing unhealthy food going to make it easier for them to buy healthy food? It might FORCE them to buy healthier food, which is more expensive, which would not be easier for a poor person.
  6. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    Nope. If people want to eat themselves to death, they should have that freedom.

    Am I obese?

    No, I may have a few unneeded pounds, but I'm not suffering for it.

    There's no issue with eating what is cheap or tasty. Sorry if you have have the money to afford the super diet and the rest of America doesn't.
  7. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    That's why the government needs to lower the price in healthy food, and raise the price for unhealthy food. 
  8. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    Disagree. It's my tax dollars that are paying for the fat person in many cases to live and keep on living. Many are unable to work, diabetic, sleep apnea, skin irritations (sweat sores), etcetcetc.

    Government taxes my cigarettes. They should tax fatty food. In the end they both kill.
  9. It is taxed. The same tax on your puff puffs, Ty.
  10. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    The government is suppose to protect us, letting us do whatever won't cut it. Also that's why we should lower the price for healthy food, it'll be cheaper for people to go on a "super diet"
  11. Then increase it. In the last 5 years my cigarettes rose $10 for a pack of 25
  12. Pro: fat people are harder to kidnap
  13. There really is no such thing as "healthy" vs "non healthy" food when it comes to obesity. Only too MUCH food.

    I could eat McDonald's every day and not be obese. It is all about controlling how MUCH McDonald's I eat, and also exercising to burn calories from the McDonald's.

    Of course, I would not exactly be super healthy eating McDonald's compared to if I ate a more balanced diet with vegetables and what not, but that is a different issue than obesity.

    People love to portray McDonalds as a "bad guy". In reality, McDonald's isn't making you fat, you're making yourself fat. Maybe try some water instead of an extra large coca-cola.

    So no support at all to taxing unhealthy food. I should be allowed to eat whatever I want. And McDonald's should be able to sell whatever they want.

    People should just not be gluttonous.
  14. And also, the government does not dictate the price of healthy food. Or non healthy food, unless they taxed it. The only way they could lower the price of healthy food is if they provided subsidies to the healthy food growers/suppliers. Now tell me, where will that money come from?
  15. Terra: Than Your saying people don't know better. Isn't that what our school system is for. Why aren't they educating people when it comes too food.
  16. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt


    The government I am under provides free will to the citizens of it's country. The only protection offered is the police, and the bank.

    It isn't the governments job to baby you, and spoon feed you. You're an adult, help yourself. If you get obese it's your issue.

    The US government cannot regulate product prices of the companies distributing them, that's up to the people in charge of the business.
  17. Re: Should the government tax unhealthy food and subsidize healt

    This. As I said.
  18. Is this thread about educating people on healthy eating habits? No. Separate issue. This is about taxing food.
  19. Than they should make a law stoping it.