I am by far no expert on this subject but, i thought i would share what i have learned in the past few weeks on this subject. First, not only does doing the "sweet spot" or "lock" on fod sound a little intimidating for someone new to it but, it can be. Here is a little guide that i have learned and it seems to work out pretty good. If you are planning on doing the sweet spot you need a few things first, 1. You will need holy wrath and angels of light for the top bar. 2. You will need locust swarm for the bottom bar. 3. You will need some form of troops to test with, personally i like using assassins because i have more of them. Now its time for the dreaded part, your first fod sweet spot. 1. At the very beggining try to attack first, on a rare occassion you will get lucky and get a victory. If it says defeated, thats ok, 2. Now the fun part, using those pots you bought, there are people that have different methods but mine is simple, first use holy wrath and angels of light together 6 times, then use locust swarm 4 times, making sure that both bars are even, you may need to use an extra locust swarm depending on the amount of damage you do, but a 6 to 4 ratio is average. 3. Test an attack with your troops, if defeated just repeat these 2 steps, keep repeating until VICTORY. 4. Now you have a victory, but here's the most important part, don't forget to go into cc and yell GOGOGO. This is a very important part, Now, here is the draw back to doing the sweet spot, God Mode. Now this is not really a big deal, if it should happen just note to yourself on the top bar where you are, incase of it regen, you can put the bars right back and pick up where you left off. Doing the sweet spot in FOD has one major upside, your plunder bonus will be alot more then it normally is. These are just my observations from doing the sweet spot and I thought I would pass them on. If I have missed anything I am Sorry, please feel free to fill in with your thoughts on what I may have missed. Thank you for your time, Ankle
Nice, very descriptive. Except, you left out what the ranges of attack are for each bar, and the main sweet spots that play off of those ranges.
First I would like to say that I had no idea of wulf posting on this subject, I am very Sorry about that, and second, I have been doing the sweet spot for a short time so as to the amounts of damage and point ranges, on that I can't say, but like I said these are just my thoughts as a beguine on sweet spots to other beginners.
Well I say ty Ankle Biter for trying to help others with what u have learnt over the past few weeks/months. There are many new players that don't even know the great Wulf let alone know he has made great guides about everything in KAW. So I'm sure those new players will appreciate your help unlike Trollllllll (sorry Troll lol). As Delphin (congrats Delphin on forum modship) said, u just missed out the part about where the sweet spot is. Good effort and don't be put off by those not willing to help
Okay as per peoples comments here are the test points for FOD sweet spot. FOD Test Points Tests @ the following locations: Wrath+angels/ Locust Blue 14,800/Red 4,900 Blue 13,500/Red 4,500 Blue 11,250/Red 3,750 Blue 9,000/Red 3,000 Blue 6,750/Red 2,250 Blue 4,500/Red 1,500 Blue 2,250/Red 750
There are only 3 sweet spots in FOD. No need for so many tests. Sweet spots are at 25%, 50%, and 75%. Only thing I'm unsure of is how wide each spot is.
The best way is to lower the bottom bar, attacking/assassinating every so often to see if the text changes on the screen. When that happens, match the top bar to the bottom and you're set to go
Sweet spots on FoD are as follows on the BOTTOM bar: 4500, 3750, 3000, 2250, 1500, 750 Simply match the top bar to the bottom bar (Using a PC is best), and test at each of these points.