FOD drop rates

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TTG_______BumBle-Bee_______TTG, May 27, 2012.

  1. I have been doing over 130 FODs but can never seem to get the sword. Each time i try at different spots even doing items i also don't get it. The drop rates are so unfair
  2. It's called RANDOM DROP
  3. Its called bullshyt drop.
  4. I like how you banner says in osw don't hire ally's. And you are complaining about eb's.
  5. I dun nd people like you to tell me wat to do....-.-
  6. Now they know sleep times
  7. People like me ?
  8. Lucky u can't get silenced for forums
  9. If your afraid of a little negative criticism don't post in a public forum.
  10. Coolstorybro.
    I think you should whinge more.