FOD 3% Items

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DDS-_-Lammas_Bread-_-DDS, May 3, 2013.

  1. Can someone please let me know how to complete the %3 item phase for FOD using one bar first instead of testing both bars and wasting items. I seen it done before and seems to be quicker.
  2. Pretty sure both bars have to be together and in the set spot. Never heard of this one bar way.
  3. Down one bar, and watch the description of your actions. When you are in the sweet spot, something different will be written, then you can level the bars and hit.
  4. A bit of advice if you haven't gotten to that part yet:

    Don't hit the items at 3% if you already have a member dedicated to the task. I never learned how to work the bars at 3% because someone else takes the role since it is easier to have one person do items on their own to prevent complications.

    If you're the one assigned with items, then good luck and more power to you! :)
  5. What the hell is the sweet spot? >.<
  6. It has to do with a certain spot on both item bars that allow you to attack Apherium when he is not in "God Mode".


    The reason why I hate FoD and the reason why I'm glad I have the FoD items already...
  7. What a nub!

    FoD is the ****.
  8. Real advice:

    OP, stop being a lost child and go read wulfs threadī€¨
  9. Mango gives me a sweet spot... -_-
  10. You use items on top bar only and test a attack at each test spot as usual.. When u hit the right place the attack action notification will change at the bottom from "hiding in the thick haze" to "hiding in the shade of the forrest".. When that happens u are at the sweet spot and u bring bottom bar to match with the top.. Hey presto.. GO GO GO
  11. Ohhhh, ok. Thanks. Handy when my clan will complete FOD.