Focus on new players

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by wordwaster, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Devs need to take their eyes off of the leaderboard spenders and take a look at how terrible entry into this game is. i'm sure that plenty of people that gave up on this game would have spent plenty of cash, too.


    make the mid level ebs easier to hit. similar to ambush, the idea here is to allow new players to join on with midlevel clans. why? because hardly anyone that understands this game well is running ebs that new players can hit. allowing a tiny player to at least HIT ebs like haunts; even with a very low damage output (1), would mean that new players can find clans where they are surrounded with at least moderately experienced players.

    change the ally plunder bonus. at least for new players. make it slightly less important to early growth. i have lost count of how many times i have tried to beat how important it is to be at max plunder bonus into someone's head. change the system so that plunder bonus develops later. i.g. give a higher normal plunder to tier 3 and below.

    increase the payout of the lower-mid tier ebs. bring them back into relevance. as it is, most of the early ebs can easily be skipped due to the brief period of time that they are "optimal". rebalance the payout of ebs to reflect the current e-kaw-nomy. this would allow new players to have more variety during their development. instead of just hitting the same eb day in and day out, give people a reason to do the others!

    make an ACTUAL tutorial for new players! after everything that has changed in kaw since i started, the "tutorial" is just as worthless as it was when i started this game 3 years ago.

    seriously. you folks want to make more money? increase the player base by being more accommodating to new players.

  2. I've been saying over and over and I feel like a broken record at this point. Devs clearly by the own actions and lack of any feedback regarding the issues with new and smaller players do not care anymore. There have been countless threads such as this over the last year and not only has none of the very good ideas been implemented, but kaw community our so called representative hasn't even acknowledged it. Devs are cashing out. Everything they have done is to make money anyway they can as fast as they can.
  3. New players should have speakers
  4. ___ ___
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  5. Honestly, I'm beginning to feel like the Devs are disregarding our ideas completely.
  6. Ehh, I believe KaW has some major changes coming. 

    PIMD had a video contest for a tutorial video.

    Lets do that!
  7. all the more reason to speak up now. there are fundamental issues that need fixed here. easing new players into the game should be top of the list.

    i've never understood why people don't show more concern over this. without new players, the game dies. every time someone downloads this game, gets frustrated, and quits in the first week, the devs have lost an opportunity. because that person isn't likely to download it for another try later.

    this NEEDS to be a priority if kaw is going to survive. not new promos. not new lands. not new ebs. NEW PLAYERS.
  8. People have been showing concern. There were multiple threads about it earlier in the week. The problem is ata isn't showing concern about it at all. Seriously at what point should the community just say **** it and give up when the devs don't won't even talk about it? I honestly don't know why people keep pumping money into the game.
  9. I've been saying this for a while now!

  10. i've seen more concern from people about getting free xtals after the game goes down for an hour than i have about this.

    i know this has been mentioned before. i make a thread like this every six months. the problem is that you don't see the kind of outrage that you do when the devs are 24hrs late with some stupid reward payout. when THAT happens, hundreds of angry noobs descend on the devs demanding action.
  11.  on the new guy is the motto we preach and laugh at the cs they never will reach :p
  12. Well, that is obviously true. But that's because there are more uninformed greedy people than those that care about anything that matters. And I'm guessing the devs are well aware of that and bank in it as they can sit back and continue cashing their checks as they do nothing and ignore us. I don't know, it's a worthwhile thread and something that needs to be addressed. I just give up any hope of devs doing a damn thing anymore that isn't influenced by sales of seals and xtals.
  13. but it DOES influence sales. more players = more potential pay to players.
  14. Apparently they don't see it that way. Well it's probably more that the cost and time spent isn't worth them bothering for the player retention and those that will ultimately spend at some point. Right now they are just content in milking the player base they have as I see it. But I also believe they have no long term commitment to kaw and are in essence cashing out. Pretty sure they will be shifting funds and resources to other projects. But that's all just my opinion based on what I've observed over the last 6 months to a year.
  15. hmm support
  16. I support and I'm new and I can't hit any eb
  17. More lands like low lands is what I want! More low land upgrades and cheap lands like it!
  18. People seem to forget that this is a business. Their resources will be attributed to whichever additions can retain or increase profitability the most.