Fluffles Guide to resets/growing

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. BEFORE YOU READ, READ THIS (makes no sense <_<)
    When you reset with 25 lands you get a bonus
    Bonus to reset:
    Ally limit: the max ally amount you can have is 250, when you reset with 25 lands you get 50 limit every reset
    8% Bonus: when you reset with 25 lands first 4 times you get a small percent of % bonus
    1st reset:3% attack/defense
    2nd reset:3% spy attack/spy defense
    3rd reset:5% attack/spy attack
    4th reset:5% defense/spy defense

    *when I say % I mean out of your total stats
    Example: lets say I have 100k attack and defense 8% is 8k so you get 8k more in stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol sarcasm doesn't transfer over text/forum) so if you have 4 million attack/ defense even HIGHER bonus also if you have all pro-packs you get a total of 32% bonus!!!

    Ok now to start the actual guide:
    First start off you should just have finished tutorial in beginning now go on wc(world chat) (text bubble in corner of screen for idevices and bottom for pc and say "volley me just reset/started(if your new(I doubt it) *REMEMBER you don't get much money from hires so don't ask in wc except from reset or if your new
    Now you should have about 50 million explore land until you have 9 and destroy your T1 building and build a building called a "beastiary" some people prefer a "forge" but beastiarys give more stats
    Now, build as many level 3 as you can and when you can't build any more build level 2 and when you can't build level 2 build 1
    Now join a clan, a good starter clan that does b2b (back to back) forgotten ones, why forgotten ones you might ask...well, when you use items forgotten ones gives about 300 mil at end (yet again, sarcasm) that actually IS alot...for a noob that is(noob means newb as in NEWb) (new player) now, you should hit alot in the EB (epic battle) so when it ends get a 200 mill ally(if you win the EB and used ALL items) the item(s) are: bribery gem use it until you fail
    Why get a 200 mill ally?
    Because: if you get
    Max ally bonus/max plunder bonus
    You win money ALOT faster and that results in faster growth
    Now get another 200 mill and buy another ally that price, keep buying at that price until you have 5 now just keep getting money from ebs and upgrading slowly with beastiarys and when you start making money really easy build level 2 war aviaries or 3 and keep hiring more allies every now and then that are atleast 200 mill
    When you get to 25 lands BOOM reset and re-do

    Repeat as many times as you want(4 preferably)

    Tell me what I missed if I missed anything
    And..don't judge my stats I'm doing RESETS working on
    Hope this helps -Fluffles
    Happy trolling :)
  2. Sorry bout no color idk bout bb codes LOL
  3. Wow. People complain about colors hurting their eyes. This hurts my eyes
  4. There's threads on this that are better than this that are stickied already, nice first attempt at a guide though

  5. I dnt c any ._.
  6. What about quests?
  7. Dumb***, where to start? How about here:

    1.) Paragraphs are your friends, so are well thought-out sentences.

    2.) No über-newb :ubergeek: is going to join forums and see your "guide". Wanna know why?

    3.) See the above? Good. Those are BBcodes, and they are your friend. Don't know how to use them? There's already a guide for that!

    4.) See the previous sentence? It's a Double-Entendre. It means don't make a guide that is pointless, but I think that should have been obvious.

    5.) Get off my forums. NOW.

    -I'm out-

    -Sort of-
  8. ⬆Who said its your forums? But yeah I agree with you. Gtho
  9. Popular fail
  10. When you reset 4 times all pro packs = 33% to stats, not 32...believe me, did it.
  11. I'm on my third
  12. OKC wins

    *Gives deed to forums*
  13. Nice first attempt But it's true. There are a lot of guides on this.
  14. nice guide but you are missing the quest part for health crystals and nobelty points.
    I already reset 4x and get more than a 100 health crystals total.
    Thanks for your help