Flight or Death

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Coupled in a world of disparity
    Where in the light there is no clarity
    Where the men are fed to die
    And the women are fed to lie

    From an early age I watched them march us one by one into the halls of death. They rarely kept any males past puberty and the women were locked away and was only kept safe so they could breed.

    When I was born into this world, it was a nurturing experience.

    If I was hungry, I was fed.
    Tired, I would sleep.
    Energetic, I would play.
    Cold, I would be given warmth
    Hot, I would be allowed to swim.

    I followed my masters unwittingly. They always came to me with food and gifts. Then... I witnessed their intensions..

    They fed us in our cages until we would grow and get fat, then when we got big enough.. They took us away.

    I watched my family and friend disappear into the big room. And from it, the smell of death and blood flooded the air.

    It was not fair.

    To stay would mean I would be spoiled, though before I could even experience life, I would be slaughtered.

    To run, I risk the wild. I would not be able to feed myself and most likely starve to death or be killed by the creatures of the sticks.

    It was an easy choice once I thought about it.

    If I die, it will be on my own terms.


    What are your thoughts and opinions on being a Vegan, Vegetarian, or Meat Eater?

    Personally I eat meat but for multiple reasons I am slowing cutting it out of my diet. The actual main reason to slow my intake of meat is because it is simply more heathy.

    The reason why I haven't just stopped is because meat is damn tasty.

    So what are your thoughts, views, and opinions on these diets and why do you have those said opinions?
  2. Simple. Carnivore FTW.
  3. Thank you, Chaos, for that detailed response.

    I guess you are going through a meat coma right now and can not contribute past saying "Freckle The World"

    I always knew you was a soul stealing ginger.
  4. So what if Chaos is a ginger? At least he isn't considering going vegan.. I mean at least go vagatarian or something... You people can't be eating everything the amimals eat, then we the meat worshipping masses won't have anything to BBQ...

    That would be a travesty..

    Don't support vegans, they want to take away your BBQs and your bacon..

    Down with the unholy vegans

    Even google mostly agrees

  5. Prime, when did I ever say I would go vegan?

    I said I am cutting meat out of my diet.. That leaves me the choice of being vegan or vegetarian.

    I think all the hog grease on your fingers has smudged up your phone. May need a window scraper and a gallon of Windex to clean off the screen so you can see to read!
  6. That... Is why I still eat meat.

    Whiskey and cigars!

    Nothing goes better with a clogged artery than an Iron lung and a pickled liver!
  7. Cutting out meat is the same As going vegan basically... And besides, most of my comments where directed at vegans as a whole, not just directed at you, only a vegan would take offence to the things I said.. But you aren't a vegan...

    ...Unless you have already converted and now you're in loser denial... Yea that must be it..
    Enjoy your carrots and tofurkey you tree hugging hippy

  8. Did not say I was going vegan..

    Did not say I was going vegan.

    I was not responding to your comments as a whole.
    Also vegetarians don't eat meat.

    You either went full retard (edit, I can't believe that is a blocked word.. Anyways you either went full moron*), got mad because of the grease comment, or you are stuck in the 70's.

    Let me guess, your next post will call me a commie!

    The butt hurt is so strong in you. :lol:
  9. I don't eat meat because I don't like the idea of animals dying. For some reason this upsets a lot of people.
  10. You just spent how long getting that rebuttal together, and I'm the butt hurt one?

    Or maybe it was the laughy face that gave me away.. Damn you rusty, you're just too cleaver, you got me good fucker...

    On a more serious note, your case of vagatarianism is far worse than anyone expected, I'm afraid there is no cure.. God speed

  11. Didn't take me that long to make it.
    Probably took less time for me to make that post than it took you to find a picture and set it up to be forum ready.

    And how am I a vegetarian? I still eat meat. I'm eating the chicken nugget at this very moment!

    Nom nom nom nom!
  12. I enjoy eating meat. Mostly because its delicious.
    Partly because only flesh can satisfy my hunger.
    Or something, I don't know I might be delusional from not eating today.
  13. Putting my trolling to the side for a bit for this response.

    The big issue with being Vegan or Vegetarian follows suit with the issue of being Religious.

    That issue is that the parties above constantly profess and bash others who do not follow their lifestyle because they think it is morally wrong.

    Religions starts wars over that mindset.

    Vegans are very militaristic when it comes to their opinions and outbursts towards people who eat meat. They are deeply passionate about the life of animals. That passion makes meat eaters offense to them so they lash out.

    But that lashing out has created an backlash.

    No one likes it when someone's else views and being forced on them so that creates heat. That heat transforms into heavy debates and hatred.

    So now when meat eaters see the word vegan, they lash out, like PRIME, and complete the cycle of stupidity and hate.

    We as humans need to learn to accept others as they are and not try and force our moral views on them.

    I honestly will never give up meat, I enjoy it to much. But I have slowed my intake of it because I am aiming to be more healthy.

    Though I do love to troll, mainly my banters and trolls are in the name of studying human behavior and psychology, when it comes right down to it, I feel like acceptance in others is what this world needs to make a better tomorrow.

  14. And Taco Tuesday
  15. A main argument for vegans is they don't want to hurt the poor living animals for their own gain.

    Yet they hurt the poor innocent living plant matter.

    Vegans that have this argument clearly do not understand how life actually works.
  16. Just curious, what about the animals that are carnivores? For them to live, other animals must die...but if they don't eat, then they themselves will die.
  17. I thought this was supposed to be a discussion thread for understanding different life choices. Not a thread to post a opinion and then get yelled at kind of thread.
  18. I love meat and i will never give it up