
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -IlIlI__DRAGONS_SLAYER__lIlIl-, Oct 27, 2011.

  1. I don't see how, or why the devs won't allow us to move our land around it's a simple update, I know this has been mentioned, but how, or what're the flaws to this? How could it potentionaly be a bad thing? Personally I'm a perfectionist I like things to match. (yes I'll erase, re-write my name 5 times)
    So does anyone know any flaws to this?
  2. No flaws it just doesn't make sense, when you explore someplace you can't simply decide, "I explored somewhere else."
  3. the only thing i can think of thay wont do that becuz thay want you to rebuild to spend more time playin there game or just spend money on there game.
  4. And it's an incentive to get more lands.
  5. Perspective,
    You'd be moving the land, so the original spot would be blanked.
  6. Kevin, I've spent like 100$ when I was like 1m combined. Lol..
  7. id rather they implement the ability to shift buildings instead.