Five sneaky ways to find your opponent's timezone

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iAckbar, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Hello there. :D So you want to find someone's timezone? No problem. There are plenty of sneaky ways to do this. ;)

    #1 - Forums
    Many people don't realize it, but you can easily find the approximate timezone through forums. You'll need the computer version of forums ready, but you don't need a computer forum account to do this. Click "search", then type in the name of your target. Then you can look at all the times that the forumer posts and get an approximate timezone from these posts. :cool:

    #2 - "That 3rd party chatting app"
    Simply go there and check if your target has their location on. If they're really that dumb to give away their location, there ya go.

    If not, you can always stalk the player, checking when they post messages.

    #3 - EB Activity
    The devs were kind enough to let us know when other people are active in an Epic Battle. When you look at their clan and see this note under their name, then you know that more likely than not they're awake. Mote the times when you do and don't see this, and you're good to go.

    #4 - Previous EB Activity
    Look in your target clan's EB history, and you can tell which times your target has been active in an EB. You ca plot these times and get an approximate timezone from this.

    #5 - Get on an alt and ask them
    It's so simple, yet no one thinks about it. Follow your target with an alt, and say that, say, you're bored and just want to chat. (Hey, it works with pretty much every KaW-er. :lol: ) Then once your conversation is up and running, simply ask where they are from. Lying about your location is an excellent way of making them divulge theirs. :cool:

    There ya go. Have fun figuring out when your target sleeps.... :cool:
  2. I thought these were obvious...
  3. Darn you giving away secrets
  4. nice
  5. :lol: this is common sense is it not? ;)
  6. How do you find out if they're nocturnal or not?
  7. Like madness said :p

    I actually rely in their playing time, not timezone.
  8. Sounds like you have too much time on your
  9. Ya never know, some people don't think of this stuff... :lol:
  10. I rely in less efficient, but safer alternatives that guarantee a clean strip given the funds and spies. Lol.
  11. I already knew of this 
  12. nice thread, ackbar.

    what time did you write it?
  13. Get on forums and find out for yourself. :cool:

    Everyone knows my timezone anyways.
  14. I used his own tricks against him 
  15. Yup. I'm from Japan. Lots of cheap cars and electronics here. ;)

  16. Lol this is fuckin funny