Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Tigris108 (01), Dec 28, 2011.

  1. My eyes were adjusting to the light so I could only see the silhouette of the doctor. Me, just waking up, heard the frightening news the doctor said. He had stated that....

    Make this one suspencful, and shocking!

  2. I had been mutilated by unidentified assialents and would miracoulsly survived although there is a throbbing bite mark in my neck.....
  3. The doctor, who I hadn't met before, put up a slideshow showing several small bitemarks in a picture of my neck. No wonder. However, some woman, apparently some form of governmental worker, walked in wheeling a tray full of evidence, including an arsenal of otherworldly weapons and bizarre things usually seen in stereotypical laboratories. The other person in the room, my wife Carol, said it was characteristic of the rouge ninjas to use that type of piranha-launching laser wand. The discussion devolved into intense debates in technical terms about magicians and aliens while developing a court case against the ninjas responsible for the epidemic of masquerade-risking assassination attempts. I could have sworn Carol just turned into a fox. I should have listened when she told me she was a shapeshifting Technological Magician Narrator and some other ramblings when she was loony on some anesthesia.
  4. She then gave me a bag of illegal drugs "it helps" and walked away.
  5. I ate them and I got all woozy suddenly I took a needle and shoved it down the throat of someone next to me a threw my bed out the window I went to the washroom and made out with an eighty year old lady and then I pulle down my pants and went poo on the floor...
  6. They called in guards to sedate me. I felt extrenely angry and leaped at then and bit one of their necks Wide open took his nightclub and assaulted the other guard
  7. I then jumped out the window and ran to my dodge charger (fave car lol). The engine wouldn't start...
  8. So I went to my neighbor's house and borrowed her car and it started the engine
  9. I realized how crazy I acted and it was cuz of the nurse and her drugs! I ran inside and took a shot gun and killed her. And knifed everyone in the throat on my way out. I was still in my hospital clothes so I quickly robbed a sports store - it was the closest one around!- and I put on some sweats and a tank top.
  10. Now that I looked hot, I ran outside and hot wired a hummer and got on the freeway stopping at Mcy D's to get a big Mac..
  11. (lmao)

    I suddenly had a craving for blood.

    I ran over and sucked someone's neck..


    Nevermind I didn't have a craving for blood
  12. Well, I'll just keep on drivin so the coppers won't catch up to me.
  13. I put on some German heavy meta. And drove to south america
  14. Den da cow dies
  15. so i hired a vampire to turn them into vampire cows, and milked them