Finish the sentence

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BenBenBenBenBenBenBen, Jan 10, 2013.

  1. Overjoyed with his new car
  2. And mistakingly drove it off a cliff
  3. Whereupon monkeys flew out his tush and carried the car to safety.
  4. Where the monkeys put the car down and started eating the man
  5. At which point he pulled out a shotgun
  6. And blew the monkies brains out
  7. All over his wife's face.
  8. Who's brother was sleeping with her husband as they were closet queens
  9. And they all died. ~fin~
  10. But a the dark leader of the monkeys was still alive and a new person bought a car with the monkey living inside it
  11. And the new guy blew up
  12. But then the dark panda comes in and eats all the monkeys
  13. Then they killed kenny
  14. Kenny became a zombie
  15. And 2012 occurred in 2013
  16. Moving to ff
  17. Ok. Seriously. If Moose moves another thread like this to FF, I'm going to report him/email the devs. And yes, I know you must have seen this, Moose, or else you wouldn't be reading this. If you answer at all it'll go somewhat like this, "I don't care." or "What reason do you have to report me?" You've been moving crappy threads like this to FF too much. I know you hate us, but as a Mod, you've been expected to act completely unbiased. This is way I despise you. It's your duty to be fair. You are anything but.