Final War

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Renatum, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Post apocalypse! you can be: good, evil, mercenary, neutral, you can start out one then change later.

    Races: demons, human, mutant, treant, dragon, vampire, werewolf, elf, orc, troll, robot, superhero soldier, cyborg, alien, or a combination. wall/pm me if you want to be something not on this list.

    what I need:

    Character name:
    any other useful info:

    I will be checking often to accept/deny/ help improve characters. I may make a group in a third- PA rty chatting app L ication.
  2. Is this a ****-ing RP?
  3. I believe it's a ****-ing RP.
  4. yes, this is a RP. If you don't want to sign-up or tell me that I and/or my idea is awesome, please kindly STHU and GTHO.
  5. Please, no RPs. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO RPS.

    Use "3rd part app" to make a group where an RP is much more easily done. ITS REALTIME AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO RELOAD THE FORUMS AND CLUTTER THEM UP.
  6. I said I might make a group. This is more of sign-ups.
  7. Thank you for checking your nubrage at the door.
  8. I'm silenced. :( don't wall me
  9. sorry, I didn't know. :( :( :( Which mod should I feed to my pet Ahdragos?
  10. Resisting urge to post....... Cant fight it! Eh I'l signzup latah.
  11. the bio isn't needed, but is useful.
  12. Mercenary Cyborg-Werewolf
    Appearance: Wears mask to hide face, armor under bulletproof vest
  13. Name: Lucian
    Age: 19
    Weapons: bow, longsword, pistol
    Powers: Controls fire
    Skills: Master archer and swordsman, amateure marksman
  14. Lucian accepted.
  15. shadow do u have the party chatting application group ready yet?
  16. group is Final War RP
  17. Victor ugham
    Tall muscular with really shaggy /unkept hair (can it be red?)
    Orc ftw!
    Weapon: his Family's sword it I's a long straightswprd and double edged, also he has a small iron buckler as a shield(I'f modern can he have a 2 relvovers and a hunting knife?)
    Hes a mercenary
    Bio: as a child Victor took an early intrest I'n warfare and as soon as he was able he began work as mercenary. His first contracts were from his grandfather and that helped him learn valuable skills. He does not care who his contractor is as long as he is compensated no job is too dangerous and no job is too evil. He is cold but opens up to his comrades in arms (like dcu or one of them)

    Skills: obviously he's a great swordsman but he is also very fast and is smart.

    Power: inherited his grandthers ability to see a battle play out in his mind, and his many jobs have let him learn a few spells
    *summon something
    *light .

    Is he op? I can tone him down I'f he is.