The war of the gods with descendants of the original warriors Name: Colin strife Age: 28 Ancestors: tifa and cloud strife Side: harmony Weapon: fusion buster Crystal shape: buster sword
(fletch seriously knock it off you have the right to your opinion but you can't enforce it on me that affects my rights and freedoms as a canadian citizen)
Err… Who? Riddle me this. Why would I want to go on a game where pre-pubescent teens write perverted stories and roleplay? (from what I have learnt from most comments about PiMD)
And technically Canada is British colony. Which is why you have our queen on your money. If were in say; 19th century, I could technically puinish you for implying that. Not saying I will or can. 1. Basic human rights 2. I can't stalk you nor want to. 3. Obnoxious EDLness much xD Just a history lesson.
Srry paradox but I've gotta say, Canada ain't a British colony! It used to be but then we became an independent nation from britain. True we do have the queen stamped on our money and we have a governor general but Britain's control over Canada is pretty much non-exsistant. Governor generals have more a ceremonial role in canada rather than actual power. I personally believe we only keep the queen on our money and what not involving Britain because we still honor our roots. As a Canadian citizen I have to stand up for my country no offense intended
the queen is an old hag. nothing more than a figurehead who's too old to continue to be of any real relevance. can't wait till that dusty croaks.
That's a bit obnoxious… I don't see why we can't have an interesting person on our money. I know £10 notes now have Darwin on them however I'd prefer lots of people. Like Newton or Hawking.