final fantasy dissident

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by colin6589, May 1, 2012.

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  1. The war of the gods with descendants of the original warriors

    Name: Colin strife
    Age: 28
    Ancestors: tifa and cloud strife
    Side: harmony
    Weapon: fusion buster
    Crystal shape: buster sword
  2. you still trying to role play? lol
  3. (yes begone knave I can and will)
  4. Final fantasy huh...
    That series has the best OST's/BGM's/Music.
  5. No!
    Don't even think about ruining FF!
    Both Final Fantasy AND Fan Fiction!

    Go die!
  6. Hm....

    If I were a Final Fantast creature, who would I be?
  7. *Fantasy
  8. I don't remember what final fantasy was
  9. (fletch seriously knock it off you have the right to your opinion but you can't enforce it on me that affects my rights and freedoms as a canadian citizen)
  10. And who is fletch may I ask?
  11. (oh sorry thought you were fletch from pimd)
  12. Err…


    Riddle me this.
    Why would I want to go on a game where pre-pubescent teens write perverted stories and roleplay?
    (from what I have learnt from most comments about PiMD)
  13. And technically Canada is British colony.
    Which is why you have our queen on your money.

    If were in say; 19th century, I could technically puinish you for implying that.

    Not saying I will or can.
    1. Basic human rights
    2. I can't stalk you nor want to.
    3. Obnoxious EDLness much xD

    Just a history lesson.
  14. (never played Final Fantasy, what could my character be? )
  15. Srry paradox but I've gotta say, Canada ain't a British colony! It used to be but then we became an independent nation from britain. True we do have the queen stamped on our money and we have a governor general but Britain's control over Canada is pretty much non-exsistant. Governor generals have more a ceremonial role in canada rather than actual power. I personally believe we only keep the queen on our money and what not involving Britain because we still honor our roots.
    As a Canadian citizen I have to stand up for my country no offense intended
  16. Never meant offence.

    Personally I don't like the queens head…
    A bit ugly. :3

    But still… :3
  17. We aren't a British colony because we were given independence with confederation
  18. Lol, I think the older coins have a nicer stamp of the queens head
  19. the queen is an old hag. nothing more than a figurehead who's too old to continue to be of any real relevance.

    can't wait till that dusty croaks.
  20. That's a bit obnoxious…

    I don't see why we can't have an interesting person on our money.
    I know £10 notes now have Darwin on them however I'd prefer lots of people.
    Like Newton or Hawking.
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