fighting till the end - sh

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -o_O_o_O_o-MrS_SpY-o_O_o_O_o-, May 4, 2015.

  1. Throughout kaw sh has builds has gone down from 40% to 5%.
    I want to increase this back up , and have in primal and round wars all types of roosters warring not juts towered builds , but for a couple clans to rooster a pure sh team so that other can always war no matter what type of war it is .

    I am making a clan with flaming blade and sabo , this will just be for sh that want to war, we will do every war possible , and we will always put only sh out , we want to not exploit but change how fair the game is for people warring , so please comment on my wall or join my clan or leave support if you would be interested because sh is how we all started at and that's what we still need to be fair .

    Any war for a tank with good towers or bfa he can war in so let's try make it the same for sh !!

    Please leave your thoughts and I hope to be seeing some of you in my clan for future wars :)
  2. SH need to burn and never come back, exploit builds aren't wanted here.
  3. SH was the REASON round wars are dieing.
    SH was the reason Devs can't do anything about it after they nerf GH.
    SH builds doesnt helps in anything but to SB in Primal War.
    You SH people should just do Individual WARS and quit the LB/SH tactics rosters.
  4. Sh are only used in round and Indi , compared to tanks which can be in all
  5. I'm SH and I think all kind of stat can join war as long as they will be active and know how to do. So, I give support to __MrsSpy__ for her effort to make this topic in forum. :) Usually big accounts aren't SH. But, yeah, some of them might be SH or used to be SH when they were small. ;) And I said some, not all. :ugeek: :ugeek: Good luck with your war clan, __MrsSpy__ :)
  6. Lolol sabo is my perm farm, and since he changed build from pure spy to sh it got a whole lot easier
  7. In b4 trolls
  8. May the force be with you......


    And with sabo ofc.
  9. No support
  10. Guys for all of you that deny SH pls reserve your disrespectful comments. If you're my opponent in war trust me, I'll do way more than waste my time scouting you. So pls, don't disrespect the efforts of players here in kaw.

    You have nothing good to say, keep it to yourself. And before you say anything smart back just know: SH are no exploit. If you think that way then so be it. I do not disrespect your thoughts nor do I wish to waste time explaining something you will never come to terms with.

    SH are another build in kaw just like hybrids, tanks, pure spies and the many builds in between.

    I am sick and tired of hearing ppl say SH are exploits and that they shouldn't exist. Like I said if you have nothing kind or respectful don't bother posting a response.

    Mrs Spy you have my support regardless of ignorant players out there who have nothing else to do but troll players who seek ideas from the community.
  11. Ppl say they at exploits cause the ARE exploits. You purposely choose not to grow to gain an advantage? Exploit city.
  12. I used to be a sh then they came out with lvl 2-3-4 now I'm just a hansel
  13. Frog, you lack intelligence by your statement. I am growing, you see. My raw stats stay the same but I grow my BFA/BFE. So you see, I do grow.
  14. Let's not play dumb, shall we? Problem is that hit ranges, and amount gold plundered per hit depend on your build size, not your bfa. If I could hit an sh in war and make 200mil like I would other builds, I would welcome them in. But I don't, and you know this, and that's why it is an exploit.
  15. Hmmm... So according to you Mr. Smarty Pants, I am an exploit because you can't plunder off of me. Well let me tell you, go back to the dictionary and search up what exploit means.

    I strategically build my kingdom to plunder builds like yours and so that I am not plundered off by builds like yours. You're too sad about that? --sorry to hear but it's a game of war. Don't expect gold to be handed to you.

    And I am not dumb nor play to be dumb. FYI.
  16. This is why bigs and meds cant war because of SH. Those SH can only hit within their range. And Bigs/Med can hit LBs and a few SH with bfa, which is way too overpowered or strong in bfa. Call it missmatch, smartass people gana act smart growing their BFA/BFE good luck.
  17. Battlefield, you are very unclear in your statement. What I did get from it is that because of SH, big accounts can't war. Because all big accounts hit are LB or other big accounts. I fail to see how this is the fault of SH. If more big accounts warred and formed roasters than I am more than sure they would verse each other in war. So don't complain it is SH that mess up the system because it's not.

    BFA is not easy to build. We SH work hard on it the same way any other account works on their kingdom or BFA. On the same note, BFE is no easy task as well. You don't see me complaining about it.
  18. Alternative proposition. Grow?
  19. Hiya Mango  I am constantly growing. Never stop. Hence me in an HTE clan.
  20. Lol, be more specific Mango. The word "growing" for the good sir is only applicable to BFA and BFE only.