fiendish fangs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TF_WArIoR_TF, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. What are fiendish fangs? I know it some sort of drop from Ebs, but I can't find it in marketplace or when I use items for Ebs.
  2. It's in forums you derp
  3. So you come onto forums, refuse to look at everything on AT THAT has something to do with fangs.. which is a lot of stuff.

    Don't post this question in the questions thread..

    And ask a pointless question..

    What are fiendish fangs?
    They are fangs that are fiendish.
  4. Hey guys how do I go to KaW forums?
  5. It's a drop from certain ebs. Currently Destroyer drops them most often, but that may change.
  6. please see willy's thread on the subject. he goes over exactly what they are.

    if you would like to know what they are FOR, then check the official thread on the subject.
  7. Royal, I have been wondering the same thing...
  8. I'm on computer dang it's hard
  9. ^
  10. What's a Forum?
  11. What's a Dragonite? Is it an STD?
  12. No it's an ETD
    Electronically Transmitted Disease

    Wait... WE ALL HAVE IT
  13. ETDs are only spread by becoming friends with him.
  14. I just checked Warry.

    We both followed each other....

  15. It says "chat" next to your profile.

  16. Duh duh duhhh

    To be continued...
  17. In order to get rid of it, you must unfollow him and block him!
  18. No, The Dtagonite ETD, is uncureable.

    It's like Aids.

    You have it forever.
  19. What's a penguin??