Fiddler's Guide for Newbies [V2.0]

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Kat, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Hey all I'm Fiddler - duh - and I know a lot of people who have spammed my PM about making a guide for Newbies. (I refuse to say noob it's degrading and disrespectful.) You all were a newbie too at one time, so don't be such a downer on them. They are just trying to have some fun and get started.

    So I don't know about you but when I first started I had a wonderful tutor named ------------- (Not putting his name there because I don't want his wall spammed) but my tutor was wonderful. He helped me out when I needed it, he still helps me when I need it. And the goal of this Guide (useless waste of space, thing, whatever you want to call it) is to give some tips from someone who was a Newbie not so long ago myself.

    **If you don't feel like reading all of this just skip to the part you do want to read. Each Section is labeled.**
    1. "KaW History" - not really history just info on what there used to be available to players
    2. New Stuff - Epics, Epics, Epics, oh and those Summer Wars.
    3. Building - My advice on how to start off building
    4. Epics - What you should start off doing :)
    5. Wars - Ooooo
    6. Allies - Allies, Friends, Buddies, whatever you call them. They are useful, trust me.
    7. Quests - I don't have a smart comment for these...sorry
    8. Battle - Angry? Go hit the battle list
    9. Clans - Family sticks together. Right?
    10. Market - Hungry?
    11. Alchemist - Gotta get your wizard face on
    12. Mage - More wizarding stuff?
    13. Oracle - I can see your future...creepy no?
    14. What to do/What not to do - I hate rules too, but we all have to follow some.
    15. KaW Lingo - It's confusing I know
    16. Other Useful Threads - Some stuff you should read through

    Long ago in the lovely land of KaW there were these wonderful things...who am I kidding? I'm not going into storyteller mode. OK; now that is out of my system we can continue. About eh a year or two ago there were Plunder Wars - Pwars/PW - where you would attack a OSF - players with spy stats and little to no attack stats. This war would go down to the wire (meaning; it would last almost the entire 48 hours) and usually at the last minute it would be forfeited by the winning side. Doing this gives the OSF - who were so generous to let you attack them - the war tax which helps the OSF build more so you get more when you attack them. Man those OSF's are so generous they deserve a reward. Back then there wasn't any Epics so in World Chat - WC - it was full of PW ads. (I thought World Chat was to you know uh chat?)
    That's about all there really was back then, besides the occasional real war.

    Epics, Epics, Epics, Summer War? So out of the blue one day the Developers - Devs -took out PW's and added Epic Battles. I can probably speak for the rest of us old timers, that we were quite a bit annoyed. Now? I don't know which is better, Plunder Wars or Epics. So Epic battles is, I guess, like a plunder war. There is a forfeit button (hehe) and during the epic you Attack, Scout, Assassinate, Steal or use Items. (Items are explained in the Market Section) Once your clan completes the Epic you are rewarded in Gold, Items, Aqua, Equipment, or Inferno. For you newbie's you probably won't be getting anything but gold since you will probably want to join a clan that does Back to Back - b2b - Warbeasts, or a small epic like that.

    Summer Wars? Your probably asking "Why do I need to know this if I'm still a newbie?" Well here is my answer: As the Dev's have said this is only the first season of Summer Wars, meaning next summer there might be another. So you could probably join the next one. :) The Summer War's are just a bunch of really powerful clans competing to see who is the biggest and the baddest. The clan has to meet the requirements which is: Each clan has to have 50 members during match up, be in the top 200 clan rank, and also has to have 50 members during start. Note: 50 members is minimum, you may have more than 50.

    Let's get to the fun stuff shall we? BUILDING!!! *Puts on a straight face* Listen here chappy, everyone says your evil. Haha just kidding, so your new right? K, your probably going to want to be vollied to at least 5 Billion. So your probably going to want to put in WC that your new and you need some help. Now, knowing this I can tell you that I volley all new players to 5bill with some of my volley partner. Wait a second I didn't tell you what volley means. Volley: To be hired back and forth between people. Back to the topic at hand, if you are new/know someone who is new fill out the form bellow and post of my wall:
    Friends Name:
    Game (GaW, KaW, PIMP, FC):
    Volley to:

    My game name in all four of the games mentioned above is "Fiddler" (Duh), but you should know I'm not really that active on the other three. I'm mostly active on KaW, so it is wise to post the form on my wall here. Once you've been vollied to 5Bill you should have about 50-100mill so your going to want to explore 9 Lands. Here's the tricky part, most people say build Forges. I disagree with that, I say build Beastiary because it gives you an equal amount of stats. I don't know about you but I don't like being attacked. You will also want to build a Guild for some spy stats. Keep exploring land and building things on it. I like to keep my stats equal so I built the Beastiary then War Avary and now I have the Circle of Elementals on all of my lands. But you do not for any reason have to follow how I built mine, experiment with it. See what build/stats you like and then go for it. After you have unlocked all 25 lowlands you get the option to explore the Highlands. I recommend converting all your Tier 3 Buildings to Tier 4 before exploring any Highlands. As I said before you don't have to follow what I say, do what you like this is just a recommendation.

    **NOTE: I Built Beastiary first lowlands, slowly changing to War Avary, slowly still I changed to Circle of Elementals. This process takes a good amount of time, and requires much activity. DON'T try to rush into building t4 right away.**

    Quoted from -MissBehave-:
    Building T4 without exploring any highlands is tough, and if possible, you should try and go straight to lvl 2 or 3. In that case, land is cheaper and so it would be a better option as you are growing. While increasing your earning power, I generally say 7 guilds per 25 lands, as that allows you to hit Haunting's with ease. Also provides a good plunder bonus, and protects well/allows for easy hits on another player with low spy stats.
    **Edited by Fiddler**

    Wars, just a simple way of fighting to see who is the best. In the section "Kaw History" I explained what a Plunder War is. Here I explain the mechanics about wars. War's can be a friendly war or not. Some War's start by someone farming a member, saying something horrible about someone, or some petty thing.
    The Link Below is a Guide on System Wars:
    The Link Below is a Guide on Off System Wars:

    During war your main goal is to get the most Plunder than your opponent. Plunder is how much gold your clan has gotten from the opponent. In war there is this thing called War Tax which is taken from your successful attacks on your opponent. War Tax is used to determine which clan wins, so the more you attack/steal from them the higher plunder your clan has. Which makes your clan win. :) Also you want as little of gold out as possible because if you have a lot of gold out the enemy will find out and you will be considered a leak - a player that the other side attacks to get the most gold from - and will probably be kicked. To keep as little of gold out as possible you should invest in Allies and Potions - pots - which these things will also help you from becoming a leak. Knowing this your first war will probably be the hardest because your still learning. Find a good clan that has been in many wars to have your first war with. Because their players can help teach you even more about wars. (I hardly ever war, so it is hard for me to explain it.)

    Dude! Did you see that pass? That was like totally EPIC man!! Warning the below information may cause brain-overload, nightmares, and a possibility that you become smarter. So for all you people who don't know what an epic is yet, I'm going to slap you with a fish. The below link is the link to my Guide on Epics.

    Fiddler's Guide on Epics- For Newbies:
    Wulf's Detailed Guide on Epics:

    Allies are your friends, learn to live with them. Allies are needed it seems for everything. In Epics allies give you more gold earned, in war it gives you more gold earned. That stated, allies are a good investment.

    Quoted from -MissBehave-
    With regards to the ally section, especially for new builds, I find its easier to save every 10m into an ally that you earn, and spending initial volley money on growth and land. Then when you have about 10 10m allies, or can get 100m easily, start buying 100m allies. Then do the same with 100m allies, until you can afford a 500m ally, then a 1b ally and so on until you are at the desired amount. That works pretty easily, and is much better than saving 300m first for initial ally.

    Initially, look for either Kingdom Assault or higher eb's also. Warbeasts gives absolutely nothing for payout, and isn't worth it. You can make much more in the same time with a good clan that can complete kingdom assault or higher.

    I can't explain Quests really well so I'm going to put a link to a Guide all about Quests.

    Toast's Guide:
    Dillybar's Guide:

    Read through those for a better understanding on Quests. :)

    The Battle list is just a simple way to find someone to attack. Since your new you will want to attack someone that you have higher stats than from the battle list. This is if you are clanless, if you are not clanless then attack the Epic. Just a heads up do not attack/assassinate/steal/scout anyone more than 5 times unless your in a war then attack your opponent as much as you like. That is considered farming and you will probably not like the outcome from it. Other than that have fun with your battle list, I like seeing who pops up on mine. :)

    Quoted from SlayerBob
    When you click on battle list, the players who pop up are players who most recently clicked on their news button. This meaning the players you find on it are on currently.

    Clans are like family, they help get you through a lot of things. They help you grow, make friends, protection, help keep you out of trouble too. What I look for in a clan is a clan that is active. Constant non-failed epics and a active clan chat. For you I would suggest finding a good training clan, I won't advise which clan so I don't sound like I favorite any. But put out in WC that you need a good training clan. Caution though your wall might get spammed, just go through each one at a time and find a clan you like.

    At the market you can buy a ton of things; apples, oranges, meats...wait not that kind of market you say? A market where you buy potions to help increase your attack/spy stats eh? A place where you go to invest in pots so you don't get successful attacks on you? Somewhere you go to buy items to use in Epics? Potions are items that increase your chance on successful attacks? Really? Huh weird, I've never heard of that place before.

    Mum I'm a Wizard now!!! Yea that goes down really well with your parents. The Alchemist is activated once you have explored all 25 lowlands. This is where Mithril comes into play, you active a spell and it helps like power you up. Or something like that. You can change your name color for 6 hours, you can hide your allies, or increase your stats for a certain amount of time. To get the Alchemist ability you must spend 4bill on upgrading your castle to level 2.

    TwilightAssassin's Guide to Mithril:

    What with all this wizarding stuff? Any who, Mage increases your equipment stats. You need Auqa or Inferno which you can buy Auqa for 5 crystals each or Inferno for 7.5bill each. Or you can do some of the new epics and hope it drops some and you receive some. To be able to activate mage you must have all lowlands and 12 highlands explored. Also to get the Mage ability you have to spend 10bill on upgrading your castle to level 3.

    I can see your future...Creepy. The oracle offer's you the ability to change your name, gives you gold, use a crystal, use nobility points to regen, and pro packs.

    15 Nobility: Gives you _________ amount of gold. (Increases by land explored)
    10 Nobility: Full army/spy regen
    1 Heath Crystal: Full army/Spy regen **Note Crystal Usage is limited**
    20 Nobility: Name Change

    The Oracle offer's Pro Packs, Crystals, and Nobility Points. WARNING: You must pay real cash to purchase these. If you are willing to spend your hard earned cash on this game go for it, I do not recommend it.

    What to do/What NOT to do
    *Here's some suggestive advice from a pro* -Quote from Stosrider

    DO have fun.
    DO experience the KaW community to the fullest.
    DON'T Curse.
    DO clan hop till you find the right one.
    DON'T insult anyone while your vising their clan.
    DON'T Spam World Chat - 3+ post of the same message is spamming
    DO Participate in wars
    DON'T Farm - 5+ attacks/scouts/assassinates/steal is farming even if unsuccessful
    DON'T Forfeit something because you hate the clan
    DON'T Abuse the game
    DO make friends
    DON'T Break the Terms of Use
    DO participate in Epics
    DO reset if you want
    DON'T Spam anyone's PM/Wall with ads
    DO Talk in World Chat
    DO reply to forum threads
    DON'T Bite off what you can't chew -Quote from Slayerbob
    DON'T rush into things.
    DO take your time. :)

    Everything has lingo, why not KaW? If you understand Texting Lingo I think you will be OK with KaW Lingo. Personally, I have no idea what half the things people Text now-a-days. Maybe I'm old, but I don't think I enjoy trying to understand half the things people text me. So below is a Guide by Dillybar made all on KaW Lingo:

    I have found these threads out there that also offer great information about the game and strategy. In this section you may find threads from Quests to Epic Battles to even Ally Trading. What a coincidence right? Here some of them are:

    -MissBehave-'s Ally Trading Guide:

    Wulf's Epic Battle Guide:

    Dillybar's KaW Handbook:

    Wulf's Building and Lands Guide:

    Bellemorte's Fight Mechanics:

    Toast's Quest Guide:

    Max Plunder:

    MissMelon's Post Questions Here:

    Wulf's Equipment Guide:

    Corinthian's Silencing Rules:

    These are just some of many great threads. If you know anymore, please free to tell me.
    **This section was made by -Flint- and Edited by Fiddler**

    And that concludes the ending of this Guide. I spent two days typing out this Guide, I do not like trolls so just don't do it. If you have a comment/concern type away. If you say "Terrible....blah blah blah...hate" I'm going to farm you, just a heads up. Anyway, thanks for reading. I know its kind of long, but I had to make it long to get all that info in.

    P.S. This thing takes up 6 pages 12 point font in my Word Document. o_O That's really really long.


    V1.2- Minor info changes, spelling/grammar fixes.
    -Pwar Info
    -First Paragraph Edited for PC Viewing
    -Spelling Mistakes/Grammar Errors Fixes

    V1.4- Edited Info
    -Added -MissBehave-'s sections
    -Some new Do's and Don't-s
    -Added Epic Section

    V1.6- New Section
    -Added Other Useful Threads section
    -Corrected spelling mistakes/grammar errors

    V1.8- Edited
    -Fixed failed BBC
    -Writing Short Equipment Section
    -Spelling and Grammar Mistakes Fixed

    V2.0- Edits
    -Do's and Dont's
  2. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Great guide, except No Farming. Seriously?
  3. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Lol I put the farming under the Battle section, didn't think it was that important for it's own section.
  4. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

     Very colorful and lots of details and and info :) I :3 it
  5. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Good job, though some wrong info

    The oracle gold thing increases with lands owned
  6. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Also some sections are very short
  7. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Thanks hun, I could have swore I had that wrong.

    And yea, some sections are. They didn't need a really long detailed explanation. If you would like to add anything put it in here and I'll edit it. :)
  8. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    I think it's very good and very colorful a jibe well done 
  9. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

  10. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Nice guide. But I'm a noob at heart and proud of it
  11. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    NOOB only joking really good 
  12. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    I wish I could say I spammed your pm with requests for this..... but I didn't.....
  13. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    That word noob *shudders* such a terrible word.
  14. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    You don't always have to be a noob, there are hundreds of people willing to help you. :)
  15. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Lol. I'm not a noob, I'm only a noob at heart. Trust me, I'm beyond help.
  16. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

  17. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Cool guide :)
  18. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Aww you all are so nice :)
  19. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

    Undead, that's not incredibly correct. The oracle transaction of 15 nobs to gold is this:

    The price you will receive is 7% of the total value of your priciest building (all upgrades included), or your next land.

    If you are LLBC, meaning you have all your low lands maxed out at SoS lvl 3s and or T4 level 3s, for each new T4 you place on highlands the value of gold per transaction increases. The total amount, I'm not 100% sure on. It's ~50m per extra T4 you place, you can check Wulfs land and buildings guide for more detail on it ;)

    The guide has some points that are key to the game, some that isn't so accurate however. I haven't slept for almost 48 hours (real life sucks, KaW is much better :p) so I will read thoroughly and try to point out little errors if you'd like. Otherwise, I'd give a solid A- for what I've seen. LOVE the pictures for each section ;)
  20. Re: Fiddler's Guide for Newbies

     thanks, I'm so tired I'll go through it tomorrow and add some more.