This will be a story about a group of people who unknowingly break a gang code, and must fight for their lives, while making friends and getting help from police and their new friends. Not sure about the title yet, but the setting is modern day. Bios should look like this: Name: Age: Sex: Appearance: Weapons: Faction (Gangsters or Violators): Background: Please do not leave anything out. This story will be written by me, igloo_Mimi, and alextheredblob. This is produced by iWrite Co.
Name: Rika Age: 17 Sex: Female Appearance: 5'3", short choppy black hair, pale skin, slim, and athletic, has purple eyes enhanced with contacts. Wears short shorts and tank tops most of the time. Weapon: Stun gun and small hand gun. Faction: Gangsters Background: Very smart, but dropped out of school and got into drugs. She joined a gang soon after, and has been in it since. She's cold and calculating, and will do anything to gain power and/or seek revenge. Her father left when she was young and her mother was an alcoholic.
Name: Lucas Age: 15 Sex: Male Appearance: Short and skinny Weapons: Throwing stars and a Bo staff Good guy Background: Is a rogue. Is very quiet. Does bot make friends easily ~iDan~
Name=Matt redcliff appearance=6"6,shaved head,kinda bulky weapon=Uzi faction=violator age18 background=ran away at 16 and joined a street gang
Name: Marco "Staccato" Toscano Age: 23 Sex: Male Appearance: Staccato is tall, gangly, and has terrible posture. He wears clothing most wouldn't call "gangsterly"; long-sleeved, dark, and tight-fitting. He has long red-blonde hair that does whatever it wants, so to speak. He wears gloves at all times. Weapons: Knives, two pistols, and a semi-automatic rifle. Faction: Gangster Background (also kinda personality): Staccato isn't the type of person one would expect to be in a gang. He's soft-spoken and respectful, but also bat-**** crazy. He isn't athletic, but he has excellent reflexes and is flexible, which leads to some scary knife skills. He entered the criminal world when he turned 18 and finished high school. He's a romantic at heart, and decided that a gang would be the best way to put his dreams into practice. So, he became one the easiest, quickest way he could: he murdered one of the more prominent gangsters. Over the next five years he cemented his place as both a dependable man and a crazy-ass oddball. (If you guys wanna change anything (if you plan on using him), that's cool. But if you don't use him, I'm gonna in something cause I alreadly love this dude. ^_^)
Nick Namerivate Age:17 Sex:male Appearence:6ft muscular tanish thin Weapons: AK47 with an underbarrel chainsaw and an intervention thermal Side: Violaters skillz:sneaky fast agile
Name: matt age: 16 appereance: 5'7 dirty blonde straight hair strong muscular side: good guy weapon: 2 silenced 9mm hand guns backround: parents killed by gang members devoted rest of life to kill all gangsters fast and silently
I got a character Name: Luke "ClawFace" Hunter Apperance: tall and burly with claw scar on his face Weapons: shotgun knife and a semi auto pistol Age:17 Bio: his bro(david) got on drugs and went crazy and cut the scar on lukes face when luke was only 7. david also killed their parents before killing himself. Luke was left all alone on the streets to fend for himself. He learned that money was the way to be happy so he will fight for the side that pays the best