Feedback Button

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Amigo_Tonto, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. When I press the feedback button, who am I feeding back?
  2. Wow...

    epic fail copy thread....
  3. Morons and their alts these days...
  4. Your talking to me
  5. Alts?

    I has 5 
  6. Fail thread is fail :?
  7. How is this a fail?
  8. Cause YOUR posting with YOUR alt
  9. And who doesn't know where your feedback goes to .. well it goes to the Dev
  10. I only have 1 alt :( and that's ili___detective_nat___ili
  11. Your feedbacking a hobo and NOT FEEDBACKING THE DEVELOPERS.
  12. Your feedback is sent to a storage database as a text document which is then gone through by ATA's support staff.
  13. Fail troll is a fail
  14. @ Delphin half correct it is also rarely reviewed by the Devs :)