Fed up, so unfair, so angry, I quit

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by gears-of-war, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. So, I was talking with my friend last week and he was ANGRY!! Turns out he bought a new Ferrari earlier this year and now Ferrari has released a new car that's twice as expensive, twice as fast, etc. He is soooooo angry with them and I completely agree.

    He was telling me about how it's just way too soon for them to be releasing new stuff. The folks that have the cars from earlier this year haven't even got to use them much and certainly haven't paid them off. Also, it's so expensive that almost no one can buy it except for a few of the richest people. Ferrari said they released it because a group of the richest folks wanted it and would like it... but that's lame, they should take into account all of us who aren't ready yet or can't afford it (if ever).

    My friend wrote on some blogs about how the guys who bought the car from earlier this year should agree to boycott buying the new Ferrari, and some agreed... but within a short time, the new releases had all sold out anyway. How unfair, I completely agree with his frustration.

    Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I was at work earlier this week and found out that this guy who works with me makes like 60% more money every single day than I make. I went to the folks in charge and demanded to know what was up. They said that he makes more in salary because he's worked here for 4 or 5 years and I've only worked here for 2. However, and here's the complete garbage part, apparently he spent money and bought a partnership position with the firm so he gets his salary AND he gets money from profit sharing!!!! What a bunch of ****.

    So I said to them, "How am I ever going catch up to him? This isn't fair, I should be able to make as much as he does." And they said I could either work more hours and get a promotion or I could spend money and buy a partnership like he did. That's when I just lost it. I said, "This is garbage!! When I saw the ad for this job, it didn't say I had to work more hours or put in more effort than other people, and it sure as hell didn't say that I needed to spend my money just to make as much as the highest level people!!!!!"

    ....and that's when they told me how much the guy at the top makes every day. OH....MY.....GOD!!!!!!!!!! He makes a fortune....every day!!!! Apparently he paid an astounding amount of money to be the majority owner of the firm and now he makes more than I'll ever make. Ugh! How am I supposed to ever catch him? I'll never make enough to get there unless I spend even more than him because he has years of work and time ahead of me. That's so unfair, just because he started earlier at the firm and spent a bunch of money shouldn't mean that he's always going to be ahead of me.

    So that's it, I'm fed up and frustrated over this unfairness. Greedy companies like Ferrari releasing expensive stuff too quickly, stuff that only a few people can even afford. How am I or my friend ever going to get one?! Then, all the stuff about how folks that have been working at something longer or have invested their own money somehow make more than I do, get further ahead, are at the top levels while I'm stuck down here in middle management.

    I'm done, I quit, I'm getting out my gun, reseting, and quiting this game of life!
  2. Lol you crazy clown.
  3. I see what you did there.
  4. Yeah it's not about building release or the new car it's about how Us mids can be hit/pinned by someone 2-3 times bigger and we can't do crap about it
  5. You...You're going places.
  6. :lol: this was clever
  7. Not even remotely comparable to the issues in kaw. A for effort though, I guess?
  8. I stopped reading once I realized that your analogy is better if he leased the Ferrari and they swapped out another model later and upped his payments .
    When you buy it, you got what you got when you signed the deal.

    I got bored and read the rest of your story.
    Pretty good.
  9. :lol: I got it.
  10. When I was reading this I was so confused until I reached the end and I saw some of the replies
  11. LOL this is fuuunnny. So retarded

  12. Porsche 918: 887 bHP: 0:300KMpH 20s

    McLaren P1: 903 bHP: 0-300KMpH 16s

    LaFerrari: 950 bHP: 0:300KMpH 15s

    Koenigsegg One:1: 1341 bHP: 0-400KMpH 20s

    Koenigsegg Regera: 1800 bHP: 0-400KMpH 19s

    Getting laid cos you have the baddest ride in the world.. Priceless..

    My point: stick to RP and farming and trolling on forums.. More fun than OCD hoarding..
  13. She wouldn't have a foot on my car. *moonface*
  14. First world problems I know, I know...
  15. You Sir Deserve A Lot Of Praise !
  16. I think this was actually about KaW lol
  17. This post made me laugh so hard, I...
    Thanks for making this, CreepyBalloonMakingClown
  18. Instead of thinking and whinging about those above you and getting all upside your head about their salaries, why not be the best you can be at what you do and your wages will go up. In no time you'll have people below you on the salary scale looking up at you!

    If others have invested their own money into the company and done well from it then well done to them. You won't catch them. They got their first! Envy is a bad thing that will make you bitter and you sound like you're halfway there already.