This would be a primarily community driven idea, that is fed by the staff and would require a team of volunteers to operate. Simple breakdown: Once a week, at a designated war slot, the match with the “best” pairing (in terms of stats, ratios, etc) will be selected as that weeks “Featured Match.” After the featured match is selected, recording accounts will be added to the featured clans to screen capture both the prewar briefing stage, as well as during war messages/plunder information. Once the war is completed, the footage captured will be edited together into a single video and another volunteer(s) will commentate via voice over, uploading the final product to youtube (or something of the like) posting it on the forums for all to view/comment on. Staff needed: -4 – 6 recording accounts (2 – 3 in each clan) -1 – 2 video editors -1 – 2 commentators When: Wars 8 and 10 seem to be the most highly signed up for, so either or would likely be the best candidate (could easily change from week to week.) Possible rewards for being featured: -Refund of health crystals used in war -Refund of mith used in war -Achievement badge -Bonus prestige -Stardom amongst the KAWmunity Requirements from devs: -Add recording staff members to featured clans at least one hour prior to war starting (preferably 0 CS designated accounts, so as to not alter roster numbers.) -Compensate any rewards given. -Sticky thread/promote final product video for the kawmunity to see. Why?: To bring more awareness/excitement to the war scene, hopefully encouraging more players/clans to participate, while adding an extra element of gratification for those already participating! At the same time, if the commentator is skilled and the video quality high, this could add an element of free advertising for the game, hopefully attracting players from the youtube scene who get excited watching solid war efforts.