Discussion in 'Strategy' started by EBInsomniac_-Kingkozi-_EBI, Feb 18, 2012.

  1. My record 4 resets in 4 days
  2. Vegtable knows all now get the **** out
  3. So what's the news??!!! Been Derrr Dunn Dat!!
  4. You should try doing if without the help of ebs like all of us old timers
  5. Back in the day most people who reset did all 4 in 4 days. Without EB's, before PW's, most clans didn't even have OSF's. Just sayin
  6. Frost is right, good Ole fashioned battle list hits and strip wars
  7. It's redonkulously easy to reset every 24 hours. I got a small alt who has done 6 in 6 days.
  8. Battle list? What's that 
  9. Fastest I know of was 2 hours 5 ish mins, with ecwguy420, zrake and assassinsapprentice.
  10. The fastest was barely a few minutes back in the olden days, if I recall it was just around 15 minutes? Before the time of the 3 second ally hire restriction and the reduced % transfer, also way before epic battles lol.
  11. You can basically have a main and alt volley transfer the money.... Theoretically, if the main can transfer ~12-13b a day, it would be easy....
  12. a few seconds is closer to the record. pw tax.....
  13. Lol.... True iger....
  14. Damn all this lying. Hell has a lot of newcomers really soon
  15. This is my main. I didnt use your cheap tricks you cheating losers. This is why there are so many restrictions now cuz you lames always want the easy way out
  16. Who's lying besides your noobass. It's obvious if your resetting 4 times in 4 days you have a alt feeding you. Or have a clan feeding you items in a epic.

    Now go die in a hole looser.
  17. Kozi- if you ever see a shortcut in a game, you use it. Can also be called utilizing resources.. Anyways back to topic... Strategies nowadays for resets?
  18. Short cuts and abuse are two different things. And no i dont have any one feeding me anyway i have mathematically(along with 2 friends) found a way to mass large amounts fairly