Fast or Slow Haunts?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by 50ShadesOfRed, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. As we all know, today is double gold on Haunts, but I have a question for you all...
    (Not meaning to cause a debate)

    But do you prefer Fast or Slow Hauntings?
    Fast gives you more gold quicker, but less chance of hitting items
  2. Where did the other half of the post go?!?
    Anyway, what do you prefer: Fast or Slow Haunts?
  3. Fast - because you make up for not being able to hit items by doing lots of them in a small period of time.
  4. Fast! Quicker gold :)
  5. Double edged sword; fast has a few unloads an then the big bonus were as slow offers you more unloads with bigger bonus. I prefer slow
  6. I like to make Apheriun scream on a regular basis.
  7. I prefer 2-3 hours. If it's too fast and you're just doing hit and run, you'll just have to end up waiting on restarts.
  8. Faster the better for me. If you can hit items often then your bonus will be good, even if you dont unload. Or even better, skim from halfway so you dont get stuck at full on the 15 min wait.
  9. Thanks for the responses. I'm intrigued by what other people think :) I prefer fast, and it's even better when you hit items xD
  10. I prefer 1-2 hour. Hit pots, skim. Unload 8/12 @ 30k phase two hit pots again, wait for restart
  11. I like slowwwww.... If I could find a good fast haunt clan that'd be good. If I'm highly active and skimming hits on a slow one I can make double the gold than 2 fast ones
  12. Fast, I prefer 15-20 minute haunts  skim half my troops every 30-35 minutes. Makes me quite a bit more money per hour than classic unload twice on a two hour haunt
  13. @versa try skimming and unloading 4 regens at 30k on phase 2, I bet you make more
  14. Damn, he caught on  I was hoping at keeping that bit a secret lol
  15. Lmao noone here is patient enough anyway
  16. How does fast get gold quicker?

    A 2 hour haunt may get you 1B
    A 4 hour haunt may get you 2B, at the same rate of hitting.

    Gold per minute, they're exactly the same.
  17. depends on your device speed... if you are on PC you probably want fast haunts cuz you can still pull lots of items. What you really want is a fast haunt clan that is really lazy and misses items all the time :p
  18. @polaris- false, more items = declining pot value.

    What you really want is a 1-2hr clan that volleys the pot cash to you after ever eb
  19. Slow = more chance to hit items and means more items as well