Fast Build for lowlands

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xSyN_-Martiallaw-_xSyN, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. I have tried numerous builds on lowlands this is the best one I have found to get into highlands quickly.
    For starters u need a 3.5 billion volley, sell the starter buildings and buy six more lands this unlocks tier 2 buildings. Build 7 forges and level them to level 3 then build one guild and level it to level 2. This build allows you to hit tier 2 squid ebs immediately. I stay away from tier 3 buildings entirely they cost too much to build and upgrade, especially if u are gonna b building tier 4 on lowlands anyway. So I build a total of 14-15 level 3 forges and 5-6 level 3 guilds then I purchase the remaining land making sure to save up 6 billion before I buy last land then I can build my first t4 at same time. I build tier 4 on all empty lands then upgrade them to level 2 minimum before begining the replacing of forges. I try to keep only two tier 4 lvl 1's as I replace that keeps plunder going up. It is important ti make sure u stay at max plunder as u replace forges. After replacing all forges I begin on the guilds to stronghold of shadows. By bypassing the tier 3 I have built my first tier 4 in seven days. I have passed tgis down to many players and the ones that follow it seem to love it. You will have a slow period when u begin building tier 4 untill u have about 4-5 level 2 tier 4 then it picks up. This slow period is much less than the time it takes if u build tier 3 and have to replace them. With the 3.5 b volley the starter build can b completed and some left for an ally. So y hit pig ebs if u can skip them entirely?