
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by nhanson, May 26, 2013.

  1. What is farming
  2. Hitting someone more then 5 times in twenty four hours. Most people think it's bad. It's not. They just cry.
  3. Farming is fun! Getting farmed not as much.
  4. It's what farmers do
  5. Yeah I'm with Devil on that one
  6. Farming is considered hitting or spieing someone more than 5 times in twenty four hours. Some frown upon this, others love it. Depends on how you like to play. Most forumers enjoy farming, or watching it happen.
  7. Being farmed is actually extremely fun.
    Let me elaborate.

    A farmer seeks to annoy and disrupt.
    Isn't the ultimate win knowing while you're at school, at work or watching TV, that there are people somewhere across the world pushing buttons in an attempt to annoy you?

    Being farmed is better than farming.
  8. Justice is correct. It can be quite sad.