Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *mightylion (01), Jun 16, 2012.

  1. If you're farming someone and earning loads of money, is it fair that someone else is trying to stop you? is it not the point in the game to attack people so why do clans ban farming? what do you think?
  2. I think this topic has been discussed almost every day since the game came out..

    My thoughts-

    Farm away. Only the weak hide behind their clan.

    That is, if the fight is an even fight.
    If its someone pounding someone much smaller than them then that's pretty lame. If one of my smaller friends is getting farmed by a bigger player, I'll pin the bigger player for them.
  3. I think even if not even fight it should be allowed you're only earning some dosh
  4. Ok so Im going to farm you and see how long it takes you to cry. :lol:
  5. Lmfao!! I love your wall sin 
  6. Farming players is fine. As for people trying to "stop" you, I have found that most noob clans have no ability/knowledge on how to actually stop a farmer. Most drop a bit of nerd rage on your wall, and may land a few hits for a short period of time, but generally, farm away and you'll be just fine
  7. Hey moose. Enlighten me please so I never drop nerd rage on someone's wall. How do you stop farming? Lol Nerd Rage meeeeow!!!!!!
  8. Yep.Took abt 5 minutes :D
  9. That's why you should never write a post :)
  10. Farming is part of the game, it isnt called Kingdoms at WAR for no reason
  11. Op pays HORRIBLY