Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. So I'm an ex-ZF warriors admin, I left bc I really don't like zaft,,just joined bc I have a few friends there. Then I decided hey why not farm zaft,,always wanted to add perm farm of zaft to my resume far there's a bunch of em on me but their missing my regen times horribly. So no real point to this just wanted share. Ever get tired of farming noobs and want some real action hit zaft,,it's a blast :))) Down with the z's!!!
  2. Cool story bro, i like how original the idea is.
    Oh wait, its been done before? A hundred times?

    Never mind.
  3. Lmao you go get dem zafties

    Btw "they're terrible at my regain time" :evil:
  4. No one gonna mess with zaft
  5. Correction. Title should be

    Getting Farmed By ZAFT
  6. Relentless, dont correct people if your going to spell regen wrong.
  7. Hey at least it is a main
  8. @ TNT,,I don't recall saying it was original
  9. TNT, you're going to spell regen wrong ;)
  10. Lmfao, fail after fail.
  11. Posted with a main! 
  12. This should be interesting...
  13. Lmao I just realized right below my post there's a resist zaft thread
  14. Lmao bws and actually here in Britain it's spelt regain 
  15. I'm Britsh too Relentless, regen is short for regenerate.

    It's not regainerate.
  16. Bws, dont be an idiot. I wasn(')t correcting. I was saying dont correct with incorrect words.
    Relentless- interesting, my apologies.
  17. Just going to point out, to defend his spelling (of all things), relentless just told us all his TZ.
  18. Regainerate sounds like an energy drink...
  19. Uh, regen is spelt "regen" in Britain, it is an abbreviation of regenerate. "regain" is an entirely different word with the same meaning, as it is in other countries. Regenerate isn't spelt regainerate anywhere. Fail.
  20. *don't be an idiot

    @TNT ;)