What has this game devolved into? What bunch of whiny She dogs, screaming stop hitting this player or that one, its not real you pedobears, go back to your eb and let your little nancy boy take the hits he obviously deserves
I thought this was a war game, that's what it said on the tin... It's more like Whiney imbeciles scratching each others rectums for a chunk of sweet corn and a smile
Dawn blade it seems your a clever American ( sarcasm you tool) if I'm an alt would I post my identity( your such a tool) looking at your cack stats I'm hoping yours is an alt because your sadly lacking any gumph
Yum. Cake stats. Well, I am in fact an alt. and hiding behind this mask... IS ANOTHER MASK! Besides, I'm not American. (Inb4 "you just gave away your TZ"- I couldn't give any fewer fucks)
Lots of people don't post with their name. Also, Fluffles... Y'know what? Never mind. *cowers in fear of Fluffles's stats*
Sheet, all I can say is I snagged a whole bunch of wannabe cyber heroes... You is all da best, Or have way to much time.. You know that outside there are trees and birds and girls... I'm guessing that your testicles haven't dropped yet and that all important first pubic hair hasn't sprouted, your all so easily lured by a three word headliner. Here's another: you are chumps