Guys, I had a question. What would you say is the quickest way to grow/make lots of cash? would you farm an inactive osf or would you contiually do eb's (Ambush or Haunting)?
Well depends on who you farm I'm farming a guy for 50mil to haunting 25mil so only spies n items for eb
Found an inactive farm. I make 1.6 times off 1 hit against him than I do hitting Ambush. Really helpful, thanks guys.
You may think you make more when you hit players but then again you use pots so you're losing more money than you are making.
Doesn't hitting an inactive player defeat the fact of "farming"? I thought it applies more to when you hit active players...
You people are idiots. You find an inactive hansel, and hit it. You don't lose pots, you don't piss them off, he's talking about an inactive hansel. How do you mix the two up ? "Farming" is "the act of hitting more than 5 times." Inactive or acting, it's still the same ****, different effect, same action.
Lol yeah that is what i meant. when i hit an inactive account that is a hansel build and doesnt have pots, i make 30m per hit. otherwise, i earn 17m per hit on ambush and also, will earn whatever bonus that particular eb gives me. I still assasinate and use pots on eb's. So Im just wondering whether the bonus I earn for the eb outweighs the difference in plunder i earn from hitting an inactive
I wouldn't say it does Neal. I make 18 mil more per hit for an inactive . I only get maybe 300-400 more from end bonus unloading troops. In the end, depends how much the gap is I guess.
Because of the stupidity of the comments in this thread I will post. Lulz or whatever your name is shut up. Do you even know the history of farming? Farming was a courtesy rule made when OSFs were just starting, the 5 hits were to make sure everyone gets enough hits in and not alot of gold lost. So if you farmed that means YES you are doing it for the gold. So think again don't talk like you know ****. EB pays better you idiots because of the end bonus. Hitting players like what I am doing now? Because I have a reason (written on my wall). Hitting a player just for the "lols"? To a certain extent is ok because this is a war game. But doing it just to destroy their gameplay is just bullying. Peace out mofos!