Farming rule = gay

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by eddzie, Jul 17, 2010.

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  1. Lol all I got to say is really 5 hits...

  2. Would you like to be constantly pinned?
  3. Didnt u ask me not to hit ur clanmate 6x yesterday...
  4. Hahahaa ok so it's 4 am and I forgot to write wat I was gonna right....

    In my opinion unloading is ok, return visits are not. More then 3 attacks on someone you don't even know and make no where near max plunder, isn't alright. So on so forth, there are limits but honestly 5 hits isn't farming and havoc..F-O
  5. It's a courtesy, not a rule. Don't treat it like one and you'll meet people with the same idea.
  6. Hahaha KOS got mad at me for attacking SS 5 times im like WTF do u boys want there like MEHMEHMEHMEHMEH!? I'm like WTF... Then they threatened me and I cryed...but honestly 5 hits? Crack down.!
  7. its my life goal to make kaw noobs explode with my mind
  8. When ss was protected by me, she reported you stripping her.

    So in response I replied I'd strip your account if it preceeded.
    I really like the way you twisted the words there, I almost fell for it... (not)

    You bully someone, and you'll be bullied. Pretty darn simple eh?..
  9. Igiggle? I didn't buy any of his allies... And I only attacked 5 times from the battle list. Ile post a screeny of the battle list if u want?
  10. It doesn't matter to me now.
    Strip him/her, not my issue.

    Also, I left it at warning because as I said on your wall "there's always 2 side to every story.."
  11. Your warning made me **** my pants
    Haha I'm jk but seriously I don't want to be warned if she can't show Ss's
  12. Get over it?...
  13. this is my 2 cents..



    ______ __ _____________ ______



    ____________ ___ ________ you can go ______________

    i _______ __ ____________
  14. 

    And I am over it Ss lied
  15. I thought this 'rule' was pretty ironic the first time I heard it. A game designed to simulate war and the players come up with a the most unwarlike rule they can think. "Alright George W., you can hit my Iraqi oil refineries 5x but then you have to move on to Iran. After you're done, I'll hit your Las Vegas casinos" Sincerely, Saddam.
  16. You don't know the history behind the "rule" Originally it was just for OSF's, but then noobs started picking up on it and some other "geniouses" decided it applied to them too.

    And I think I spelt geniouses wrong too...
  17. Geniuses<----that's it
  18. Sholron is right it was meant for OSFs but stupid noobs cried and cried 
    Off to work bye bye
  19. 5x rule? Hmm that is very un war like yes. But if u don't like the courtesy rule don't follow it. Just know u should prepare to reap what u sew.
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