farming/osw clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *siriusun (01), Oct 9, 2013.

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  1. I need to join a clan that doesn't mind my farming of noobs. Please wall me. I don't have any crowns right now to buy speakers that's why I'm posting over here. Don't freaking tell me to grow first cuz I'm gonna lose it. I wanna grow hitting ppl not hitting eb. If I wanted that I would punch the keys of my calculator which is the same.
  2. You can always just hit the battle list
  3. You've got a good attitude, but realistically, it'll never happen. Lands are too damned expensive, and players are all so pathetic they'll pull entire clans on 1 person for farming. This isn't a game based around an honour system .. thats for sure.

  4. I'm doing that as we speak
  5. Xilver's right. You don't need a clan to PvP.
  6. Entire clans farming me? Sounds like fun
  7. Why do I wanna join a clan? Because I'm new and I can sure learn some stuff from ppl who's been around for a while
  8. I fully endorse OP
  9. Go hit some ZAFT players, I bet that'll cure your itch for PvP
  10. That's what walls and forums are for as well. Just follow someone trustworthy and PM your way there.
  11. Where do I find those zaft guys?
  12. I don't know anybody royal
  13. Some moron always has to mention zaft... Follow me op. I'll help you out
  14. You don't need to know anyone to ask questions. I get the random player asking me things from time to time. Go on WC and pick a name. Ask questions from them.
  15. I farm WuDi all day. Great farms.
  16. Im just saying and giving an idea.
  17. Remember to give Naomi a back rub,
    Apparently my hooves aren't good enough...
  18. Grow first
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