Farming noobs on wc :)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by CraZiNe55, May 29, 2013.

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  1. Hey im dotnet3,

    And to help deal with the noobs in wc i have started up for a bit, a SW and farming clan :).

    Its a lot of fun, and here's why:

    -What i take for a CF:
    1.They must apologize for being a noob in world chat.

    2.They must join a new player helping clan to learn how to not be a noob and grow.

    Well thats what im doing :)

    Clan i am running this from is: FIGHTING ILLINI.

    -Dot, thanks for reading.
  2. Wouldn't it be easier just to teach them how to be a noob then take hours/days/weeks (depending on clan they in) to get them to teach someone else how to not be a noob?
  3. Sounds ok... But why are they noobs?
  4. meh farming is fun
  5. Farming is fun but I don't hit people just cause their in wc:/
  6. well im looking for people in wc that are either spamming, keeps posting for a hire with/without spamming, or asking for their allies hired in the same way
  7. Thats stupid. Just teach them how to play the right way. Dont attack someone just because they dont know any better.
  8. Let me catch you posting on wc op.
  9. This is the most retarded thread I've seen in a long time. Op I'm gonna farm you for being a forum noob and making a gay ass thread and clan. That's what ur doing to noobs who don't know better in wc
  10. DotNet, how's your Singing voice?...
  11. Hm lets me see a bored guild hansel that wants to farm new players rather than someone who knows how to play the game.
    You could stop proving to us your a noob and help the newb players giving them advice and help on how to grow and where may teach them.
    When was the last time you approached a player and offered to help
    Or do you just want to farm people with no clue and make potential future decent players quit because they ce into a game and are immediately confronted by a jerk that farms them for not knowing how to play??
    Way to go tough guy so un-impressed 
  12. Come farm intermass.
  13. Hansel alt has a big main I'm sure
  14. I agree. Op is a noob
  15. Why don't you kick a baby until it apologizes over national tv for being a baby?
    They can't help it. Send them to a clan first. Farming them proves how weak you are.
  16. For those interested, his main is -DotNet-.
    Let the farming begin!
  17. Really.... Nom nom nom
  18. Op main is -dotnet- maybe we should give him a taste of his own medicine for making a noob clan n thread...
  19. Just ignore the forumers, they could be the ones in wc ;) keep the clan going
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