Farming EB clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iNTeR___Psycho-Humper___MaSS, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. What do you think would happen if we farmed every major eb clan and eb warrior

    would they rage quit/reset or would they fight back?

    What do you think
  2. They would just leave their clan and go eb somewhere else, I wonder what WILL happen when I farm you?
  3. do it i could carevless if you farm me
  4. I like to carve less than you
  5. Lol I agree wiff troll but it'd be hilarious to their reponses
  6. Correction, grammar Unicorn.
  7. crazies destroyed commandments that "fastest B2B haunt clan" lol
  8. Troll, you would look like a screwed up unicorn
  9. Being called a Nazi has become such a compliment, although many people are using the word incorrectly.

    At Op:I wouldn't expect to see this happen though.
  10. I can we just need to have ad mortem and allies do it
  11. Farming eb clans, 1 clan at a time.

    Ad Mortem
  12. Hell yeah drgn
    Down with the EBs

     Ad Mortem 
  13. When and where do we start  I want in on the fun. 